Jia Daqun was born in the mountain city of Chongqing in 1955 and started his artistic career by studying fine arts. From the age of thirteen, he studied painting under the tutelage of Professor Wang Xingyu of the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts for eight years.
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Wang Min (November 8, 1934 - December 5, 1997), composer. Shanghainese. Before his death, he served as the first-level composer of the China Symphony Orchestra, the executive vice-chairman and secretary-general of the China Light Music Society, and the editor-in-chief of Music Life News.
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Yang Ming, born in 1934, is a native of Penglai, Shandong. He joined the army at the age of thirteen and worked in the Andong Military Region Art Troupe, the Shenyang Air Force Art Troupe, and the Air Political Art Troupe, during which he went to Shenyang Music College (the predecessor of the Shenyang Conservatory of Music) to study composition. He has written ten large and small operas and hundreds of songs.
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Wang Liping, male, born on August 5, 1941, Manchu nationality, is from Changchun City, Jilin Province. Bachelor degree, engaged in intellectual property work for 16 years. National first-class composer, enjoys special government allowance, art director of China Film Orchestra, loves music, literature and photography.
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A Shicai, singer of Lisu nationality in Lijiang, inheritor of intangible genetics in Lijiang City, deputy secretary general of Lijiang Lisu Culture Research Association, and spokesperson of Lisu culture.
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Zhang Zhiliang was born in Hebei in January 1940. Professor of China Conservatory of Music, member of China Musicians Association. Sheng performer, composer, educator.
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Han Qixiang (1915-1989), a storyteller and actor in northern Shaanxi, China. Male, Han nationality, from Hengshan, Shaanxi. Blind at the age of 3, he studied art at the age of 13. At the age of 30, he can rap and sing dozens of books, and can play more than 50 kinds of folk songs.
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Lu Lianghui is an assistant professor in the Department of Chinese Musicology, Chinese Culture University. Hakka from Yongding County, Fujian Province, China, graduated from Tianjin Conservatory of Music. His works include "Spring", "Wine Song" and other Chinese music ensemble scores. And arrange a number of widely circulated music.
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Yang Baozhong (1899-1967) [1], courtesy name Xinchen. Originally from Hefei, Anhui Province, he is a veteran actor of the Chinese Peking Opera Yu School, and later specialised in playing the piano.
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Tian Longxin (Tujia "Dong Dong Kui") "the first batch of inheritors of provincial intangible cultural heritage projects in Hunan Province".
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