Shen Zhenglu

Organized by 卷鹅 on 2022-06-23

Mr. Shen Zhenglu, a famous erhu performer, music educator, professor of the School of Music of Nanjing Normal University (now retired). He became famous all over the country in the 1960s, and he has made outstanding achievements in both erhu performance and teaching. Mr. Shen's erhu playing style is simple, mellow in tone, solid bowing, large range of vibrato, and very tense musical performance.

The formation of this style is based on profound folk culture and folk music. The formation of this style has gone through the stage of childhood apprenticeship, the stage of juvenile professional study, and the stage of middle-aged and young people's teaching. It is composed and performed of "Yangguan Sandie" for its erhu. The epitome of mature style.

In this famous erhu tune transplanted from the ancient tune, the 41-string (A key) tuning is creatively used, which expands the erhu tuning type and tonality. It was refreshing and deeply influenced later people's re-creation of "Three Layers of Yangguan".

As a music educator, Mr. Shen Zhenglu insists on the inheritance of traditional music as his educational philosophy. With his solid erhu playing skills, he pays attention to the educational method of teaching students according to their aptitude, and has cultivated many educators and erhu performers who are active in and outside the province, as well as across the country and overseas.

Mr. Shen has been teaching for decades in the School of Music of Nanjing Normal University, which has a profound cultural background. His educational philosophy is a link between the past and the future. The inheritance and practice of Chinese traditional music education has certain reference significance.

Reference materials and contributors

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Xiong Qi, Director of the Instrumental Music Teaching and Research Section of the Conservatory of Music of Changsha University, young backbone teacher of ordinary colleges and universities in Hunan Province, double qualified teacher, and national first-class performer; President of Huqin Professional Committee of Hunan Ethnic Orchestra Association.
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Xianyin Erhu is an Erhu master, professional performer and educator. He has his own channel account at station B and has 11,000 fans.
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Huo Xiaojun was born in Tianjin and is a national first-class performer. She began to study erhu at the age of 8. Due to her outstanding performance, she successfully entered the China Opera and Dance Theatre after graduating from university. In 2001, she was invited to join the "Twelve Girls Band" and became "the only member of the group who did not sign a contract". .
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Lu Yiwen, a Chinese erhu player, a young erhu teacher at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, a director of the Erhu Society of the Chinese National Orchestra Society, and the winner of the Golden Bell Award, the highest award of Chinese music, and the Wenhua Award.
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Qi Jianda, male, born in 1954. Jiangsu Nanjing native, Han nationality, erhu performer, educator, national first-class actor.
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Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

Involved portfolio

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