Yu Qiwei

Organized by 桑白 on 2022-04-14
Introduction to Yu Qiwei(gaohu)Master performer

Yu Qiwei, male, Han nationality, born in 1953 from Kaiping, Guangdong. Member of China Musicians Association. In 1972, he majored in Gaohu at Guangdong People's Art Institute; he was a soloist and band leader of Guangdong Song and Dance Ensemble, Guangzhou Orchestra, Guangdong Music and Dance Theater and Guangdong Song and Dance Theater.

He served as the third, fourth and fifth vice-chairmen of Guangdong Musicians Association. He is currently the sixth vice-chairman of the Guangdong Musicians Association.

He won the first prize of the second "Yangcheng Music Flower Festival" Gaohu Competition; the first prize of the "National National Instrumental Solo Competition" in 1982; the second "Lu Xun Literature and Art Award" Music Award of Guangdong Province in 1986; Guangdong Music Invitational "First Place; 1989 First China Golden Disc Award. In 1983, he was rated as an advanced worker in the Guangdong cultural system. In 1987, the first national Guangdong Music Invitational Competition "Qin Poetry" (cooperation with Li Zhuxin) won the Outstanding Creation Award; in 1995, in cooperation with Li Zhuxin, "Children in the Village" won the first prize of the first "Guangdong New Music Work". Also recorded a large number of personal music cassettes, CDs.

Yu Qiwei has performed and lectured in the United States, the former Soviet Union, Romania, Hungary, Singapore, Japan, Canada, Germany, France, Iraq, Kuwait, Portugal, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and other countries and regions. He was also invited to perform and give lectures at the Central Conservatory of Music, China Conservatory of Music, and music schools in Shanghai, Tianjin, Xi'an, Guangzhou and other places, introducing Guangdong music, Kaiping songs and Gaohu performance art.

Yu Qiwei's piano skills have inherited the tradition of Chinese classical music advocating character and charm, and have brought into play the gorgeous, lyrical, light and lively characteristics of Cantonese music. The music industry commented on Yu Qiwei's performance "full of poetic fantasy and philosophical depth, beautiful and lofty realm", "opening up a new pattern of Chinese gaohu art", "after Lu Wencheng and Liu Tianyi, the third generation successor of Guangdong gaohu art". ”, American music educator and conductor Chipper called Yu Qiwei “a musician with genius skills and profound artistic thoughts.”

Yu Qiwei has performed with the Central Chinese Orchestra, Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, Singapore Chinese Orchestra, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, China Radio Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, Shanghai Film Chinese Orchestra, Chinese Orchestra of the Central Conservatory of Music, Taiwan Symphony Orchestra Attached Chinese Orchestra, Taipei Municipal National Orchestra The Orchestra, the Macao Chinese Orchestra, etc., whose performances include concertos "Qin Poem" and "Cantonese Soul", solo and traditional pieces "Thinking", "Love in the Pearl River", "Birds in the Forest", "Double Voices Hate", etc. Hundreds.

Yu Qiwei is good at playing Gaohu Cantonese music "Spring to the Field", "Birds Throwing in the Forest", "Double Stars Hate", "Love in the Pearl River", "Er Spring Reflecting the Moon" and "Hometown Scene", "Missing", "Long Wish", etc. music. He has recorded more than thirty CDs and cassettes, and regularly records for radio and film. Yu Qiwei also authored a book on music criticism "The Art of Cantonese Music".

Reference materials and contributors

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Involving musical instruments

It is the abbreviation of "Treble Erhu". Its shape, structure, bowing technique, and playing symbols used are the same as those of Erhu, except that the qin barrel (resonance box) is slightly smaller than that of erhu, and part of the qin barrel is usually sandwiched between two legs. play.

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