Lang Duoyi (pinyin: lǎng duō yī) resembles an erhu. The barrel, stem and bow are all made of bamboo. One end of the barrel is covered with bamboo shoots, and the strings and bows are made of "chicken screw" fine rattan. When playing, the left hand holds the piano to press the strings, and the right hand holds the bow to play, the sound is soft and the volume is low. Folk used for solo entertainment. The volume is smaller, the pronunciation is sharper, the timbre is not as plump and mellow as the erhu, and the expressiveness is also inferior to the wind instruments of the Li nationality.
Play in a seated position, with the left hand holding the qin and pressing the strings, and the right hand holding the bow between the two strings. Fifth setting, the volume is low, because the thin rattan bow is used to rub the thin rattan strings, the pronunciation is rough, the timbre is not as round and plump as the erhu, and the expressiveness is inferior to the Qiming musical instruments of the Li nationality.