
band dombra

The band Dongbula (pinyin: yuè duì dōng bù lā) is a Kazakh plucked stringed musical instrument. Named for the band playing. This is the Dongbula series of musical instruments reformed and made on the basis of Akendumbula, which has been used in the Kazakh National Band of the Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture Art Troupe in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.


  • Chinese name:band dombra
  • Pinyin:yuè duì dōng bù lā
  • nationality:Kazakh
The historical origin of the band Dombra, the material composition of the band Dombra
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Mureal Bimlati is a postgraduate student and a professional teacher of Dongbula in the Conservatory of Music.
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Band Dombura, can be used for ensemble or accompaniment, and some can also be used for solo.
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