
Be Wang

Biwang (pinyin: bì wāng) is a Tibetan bow and stringed musical instrument. Tibetan is also called Biyong, Biyang, Bawang, Ri'aza, Zeze, Zani, etc. due to different dialects. Popular in Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Qinghai, Gansu and other provinces. Especially in the areas of Batang, Mangkang and Deqin at the junction of Sichuan, Tibet and Yunnan provinces.


  • Chinese name:Be Wang
  • popular area:Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Qinghai, Gansu
  • Features:Bright pronunciation and beautiful tone
  • Pinyin:bì wāng
Biwang is a Tibetan bow and stringed musical instrument. Tibetan is also called Biyong, Biyang, Bawang, Ri'aza, Zeze, Zani, etc. due to different dialects. The Han people call it Xianzi, Niujiaohu or Huqin. It has a relatively long history, and its shape is basically the same as that of the Han nationality erhu. It has a bright pronunciation and beautiful timbre.
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The structure of Biwang is the same as that of the Han Erhu, which is composed of the barrel, the rod, the peg, the jin, the horse, the strings and the bow.
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Biwang, a Tibetan bow and stringed musical instrument, is often used for solo and accompaniment for singing and dancing, drama, and rap.
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