
Be Wang operating guide

The structure of Biwang is the same as that of the Han Erhu, which is composed of the barrel, the rod, the peg, the jin, the horse, the strings and the bow. There are no fixed specifications for the shape, and most of them are made by folk artists for their own use, with a total length of 55 cm to 68 cm. piano Cylindrical, there are three kinds of horn, wood or bamboo. The ...
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Biwang, a Tibetan bow and stringed musical instrument, is often used for solo and accompaniment for singing and dancing, drama, and rap. When playing, you can sit or stand. The sitting posture is the same as playing the erhu. The legs are separated or the left leg is placed on the right leg. The qin barrel is placed at the bend of the left thigh, and the head of the qin is slig...
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