
bo audition

The cymbal (pinyin: Bó) is a percussion instrument with no fixed pitch. Bronze, with a bulge in the center, they are made of two round copper plates that strike each other. It is usually played together with gongs and drums to form a gong and drum team. Chinese cymbals also appear in Western music, but their size is usually less than 11 cm.


  • Pinyin:
  • alias:Big cymbal, brass cymbal, brass plate
  • category:percussion
  • foreign name:cymbals
Cymbals are percussion instruments in Chinese folk music, mainly including big cymbals and small cymbals (cymbals). It is usually played together with gongs and drums to form a gong and drum team. Chinese cymbals also appear in Western music, but their size is usually less than 11 centimeters, and the sound is produced by hitting a stick.
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sheet music
Organized by 华夫饼 on 2022-03-08
Organized by 小小瞬 on 2022-03-08
works collection
On June 18, the 2022 Xianfeng County Cultural and Natural Heritage Day and the Cultural and Ecological Protection Experimental Zone construction achievements publicity and display activities were held in the Tangya Tusi City Site Scenic Spot.
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I'm used to reading fashion magazines and trendy brands, but today I'll show you something different. This is the twenty-one band from the Qing Dynasty that swept the world. You must not have thought that this Qing Dynasty band had debuted in the C position and led the fashion. Just the folk music playing and painting have been sold at home and abroad.
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Bai folk instrumental music mainly includes sanxian music, suona wind and percussion music, cave scripture music, etc. In addition, there are also ancient music and tunes played by bamboo flute, mouth spring, wood leaf and so on.
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In March, another national event will bloom in Zhengzhou. The 2022 China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Annual Conference will be held in Zhengzhou from March 21 to 24.
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In the morning and evening homework and daily Buddhist affairs, there are several kinds of instruments that are commonly used. The postures used can be summarized as follows: the chime is drawn to the mouth, the wooden fish is put together, the pan is facing the face, the hafnium is flat-chested, and the hand drum is holding the moon.
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