

Polie (pinyin: bō liè) is a double-reed gas-sounding instrument of the Zhuang nationality. The Zhuang language is also called Bilie and Bielie. In Zhuang language, "wave", "bi" and "bie" all mean blowing, and "column" means pipe, which means blowing pipe. The Han people call it the Zhuang Suona. It is a folk musical instrument with a long history. After reform, it has become an excellent solo instrument with beautiful timbre and expanded range. Popular in Longzhou, Ningming, Pingxiang and Nanning in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.


  • Chinese name:Pole
  • popular area:Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
  • pinyin:bō liè
The wave of the Zhuang nationality has a long history and evolved from the suona introduced from the north, but there is no historical data to test when and what generation it was introduced.
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Polie, a double-reed air-sounding instrument of the Zhuang nationality, is a folk musical instrument with a relatively long history. After reform, it has become an excellent solo instrument with beautiful timbre and expanded range. Popular in Longzhou, Ningming, Pingxiang and Nanning in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
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When playing the wave, place the tube upright, hold the wave with both hands, the right hand is at the bottom, the little finger, ring finger, middle finger, and index finger press the first to fourth holes, the left hand is above, and the ring finger, middle finger, and index finger press the fifth to seventh holes , playing the oboe whistle with a mouthpiece.
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The traditional wave train consists of a pipe body, a pipe whistle, a core and a bell mouth, with a total height of 32 cm to 40 cm.
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