
dulcimer operating guide

There are two commonly used string strike methods, the forearm joint as the active axis and the finger-wrist joint as the active axis. Now focus on the latter, which is used by most people. The action of hitting the string can be divided into two actions: "striking the string" and "returning the key", and the completion of these two actions is fleeting and indistinguishable. When hitting the st...
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To learn dulcimer, you should first maintain the correct playing posture, that is, the whole body is naturally relaxed, the feet are naturally shoulder-width apart, the sitting posture is correct, the chest and back are slightly held, the shoulders and upper arms are naturally drooping, and the forearms are bent and elbows flat. Holding the piano and bamboo, looking at the face of the piano, th...
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The Chinese dulcimer, originally called "Yangqin", is a percussion instrument with a wide range of global and distinctive national characteristics. It is widely distributed and spreads in dozens of countries and regions in Europe, Asia, America, Africa and Oceania. In the second volume of "Macao Chronicles" (1751 edition) written by Yin Guangren and Zhang Rushuang, it is recorded that "br...
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Dulcimer is a kind of national musical instrument, similar to Guzheng but different in feel. It is a percussion instrument with distinctive and distinctive sound. It can be played solo or in ensemble. , then how to learn to play dulcimer? 1. Correct sitting posture If you want to play a musical instrument well, the sitting position is also very important. Put the dulcimer in...
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Issues of breath, syntax and time layout in dulcimer performance When playing dulcimer, you must first read the score carefully and carefully, and use the imagination of the sound to create a virtual real-time performance state in your heart. At this time, the more important thing is to immediately separate the syntax. When a composer creates a work, he usually conceives the syntax in integer b...
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What are the playing techniques of dulcimer? The eight major playing techniques of dulcimer are summarized as follows: 1. The "playing" technique of dulcimer art The technique of "playing" is the basic feature of dulcimer art. It starts from "holding bamboo", which is not only related to the player's feeling of carrying and playing the bamboo, but also affects the choice of playing ...
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The basic bamboo method of dulcimer is to alternate hands. There are two traditional bamboo methods: "left bamboo method" and "right bamboo method". It should be the big finger, the index finger, and the middle finger to hold the bamboo method, and the big finger presses the second joint of the middle finger. Everyone is different, and many well-known performers hold the second knu...
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There are several ways to tune the dulcimer, the two most commonly used. 1. The original tuning method. The accuracy of each note is measured with the commonly used tuner as the tuning standard.  2. Experience tuning method. Use trained ears to measure the accuracy of the standard tone by experience. The bass and mid-range are highly retractable. The location to be struck ...
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To play dulcimer, it relies on the joint movement of the muscles and joints of various parts of the arm to generate percussion force, which acts on the qin (also known as qin bamboo) to strike the qin and strings, making the strings vibrate and sound, and transmit them through the piano code, causing the panel and the piano cavity. The air vibrates, producing acoustic resonance. Whether this jo...
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The dulcimer is a commonly used percussion instrument in China. It is of the same origin as the piano. Its timbre has distinct characteristics, with a large volume and a combination of hardness and softness. When played slowly, the timbre is like a ding-dong mountain spring, and when played fast, it is like a murmur of flowing water. The tone is bright, as crisp as big beads and small beads fal...
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