
Dulu operating guide

When playing Dulu, hold the tube upright, the index finger and ring finger of the right hand press the second and first holes, and the thumb and ring finger of the left hand press the back hole and the third hole. Dulu can emit e, g, b, d1, e1 sound sequences, using overblowing, more overtones, and a range of up to three octaves. Dulu is good at playing legato, pause, arpe...
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Dulu, the Li people blow their breath and sing their musical instruments. Li language is also called cluster. It is called Dongxiao in Chinese. It is popular in Qiongzhong, Baoting, Ledong, Changjiang and Haikou in Hainan Province. The Dulu tube body is made of thin bamboo tubes with bamboo knots on the upper end. The tube length is 90 cm and the diameter is 1.8 cm to 2 cm. Ther...
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