
Erhu operating guide

Erhu used to be very popular among middle-aged and elderly people, but now times are progressing, thinking is changing, and everyone's patriotism and love for traditional Chinese musical instruments have gradually deepened. More and more people of different age groups are beginning to learn Erhu. I would like my children to learn erhu, but children are different from adults, and special attenti...
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Erhu has entered a new era of acoustic vibrato, and it is very necessary to re-understand the principles and importance of the three elements of vibrato. First of all, it is necessary to know that the road of erhu accent is the only correct and practice-proven direction that must be moved forward. To move in the right direction, we must fully and correctly understand the three elements of vibra...
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Everyone can rub rosin, but it is not necessarily a problem that everyone can rub rosin well. How to rub rosin on an erhu bow? Today, I have sorted out the methods of using erhu rosin for you, hoping to help you. How to use Erhu Rosin "Heavy rubbing and light rubbing". The so-called "heavy rubbing" does not mean rubbing with gravity, but requires focusing on rubbing. In fact, it is ...
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Many people don't understand the standard movements of the erhu's finger-pointing and finger-raising, so let's do an exercise demonstration. Erhu finger lift exercise In the changing of the handle, especially in the fast downward fingering, it is very important whether the finger lift is agile and powerful. Raising the fingers and pressing the fingers are two opposite move...
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Erhu is one of the important traditional national musical instruments, with its own distinctive national characteristics, and is widely loved by people because of its bright, round and other timbre characteristics. The timbre of the erhu is its main highlight. The processing of timbre in erhu performance is extremely important. Not only the material and structure of the instrument itself will a...
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The portamento mentioned today is the "expressive" portamento, which is the "glide" produced by the conscious sliding of a finger on a string. "Expressive" portamento is required by the melody of the piece, and is a portamento controlled by the performer. Portamento in erhu performance is very rich in expressiveness of music. There are numerous descriptions of Erhu Glide, ...
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Finger pressing plays a very important role in performance. Many beginners suffer from the inflexibility of their fingers. In fact, the main reason is their inexperience. Let me tell you how to use your fingers flexibly to make your performance natural and smooth. In erhu performance, the flexibility of the left finger is crucial. With flexible fingers, skills such as continuous...
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The fast bow is a high-tech bowing method, which refers to a bowing method that uses a separate bow to play sixteenth notes at a speed of more than 120 beats per minute. It requires a high degree of close cooperation between the players' hands to achieve accurate phonemes, uniform timing, clear pronunciation, and extremely grainy. Moreover, in the fast passages, there are often difficult techni...
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Today, we will talk about the basic skills of erhu, the skills and methods of pulling and pushing the bow, because many beginners still have some vague understanding of pushing and pulling the bow, so we will briefly talk about the content of the two parts to facilitate your understanding and practice. details as follows. Physical analysis of push-pull bow: when the string is empty, esp...
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The use of strength in the erhu is a very important point. Many times people tend to overlook some important points. Today we will start with the best conditions for strength and precautions. The control of the force of the erhu bow and the coordination of breathing allow us to better grasp the control of the force of the erhu in the study of the erhu. The control force of the erhu bow, s...
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