
Erhu operating guide

(1) "The python skin of the large scale flower is better than the python skin of the small scale flower" --- This is one of the misunderstandings. In terms of acoustics, the standing waves formed on the skin of the rhinoceros contain richer low-frequency components, so generally speaking, the erhu of the rhododendron skin is thick, but the sensitivity is lower, and the pronunciation of the high...
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Anyone who has played the erhu for a few years or is engaged in playing the erhu hopes that they can have a good qin or even a few handy qin, because the sound of a good qin is more beautiful and beautiful than the ordinary qin. A good violin will make people addicted, it can not only make the performance icing on the cake, but also can be appreciated and collected as a handicraft on behalf of ...
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The piano code of the erhu is one of the important components of the erhu, and the quality of the sound quality of the erhu also plays an important role. The quality of the bridge is not the more expensive the better. People who don't understand choose the most expensive bridge. He thinks that the more expensive is good. In fact, this understanding is wrong. For example, when people buy clothes...
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Recently, it has been discovered that many erhu beginners may not know what is tuning and what is tuning. To be precise, "setting the tune" of the erhu refers to the tuning of the music, in order to determine which key is used to play the music. Erhu tuning refers to determining the pitch of the erhu's inner and outer strings. 1. Why set the tone? For example, if a song is...
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Points to note when buying erhu: timber There are many kinds of wood used to make erhu, usually used are red sandalwood, ebony, rosewood, old mahogany, new mahogany, ebony, white miscellaneous wood and so on. The most valuable of these is sandalwood. It is famous for Indian red sandalwood and African wood sandalwood. slow growth, material Solid, high hardness, strong tough...
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Erhu Maintenance in Wet Weather It has been raining for more than a month in the south, and the air is very humid. Erhu is rarely used, and it is reluctant to give up. I put a few high-end pianos in the closet. There is a large bottle filled with quicklime. The lime is covered with a little toilet paper. The whole cabinet is very dry. When I take out the piano and pull it, the sound is clear an...
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Indian lobular red sandalwood has long become an endangered species that is prohibited from logging for export. The Indian lobular red sandalwood wood in the international market is becoming less and less, and smuggling accounts for a large proportion. Most of the domestic wood comes from the Indian lobular red sandalwood that was dismantled from old furniture in the past. The price of Indian l...
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A friend of Hu said that his erhu was bought and pulled home for a few days and found that the sound was not good. When I bought this erhu, I tried more than ten erhus one-on-one with the manufacturer. I purchased it after confirming that the sound was satisfactory. Both parties knew the sound before buying. There is no problem. Why did something go wrong after getting it? When ...
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Because of the appearance of various national style programs, many friends became interested in the erhu. They simply liked the sound of the erhu and wanted to learn it, so they hurriedly bought the erhu and went home. As a result, when the erhu got his hands, he couldn't do anything, the strings couldn't be put on, the sound couldn't be tuned, the rosin couldn't be rubbed, and he didn't know h...
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Some Hu friends believe that the function of the left hand when pulling the erhu is to press the strings accurately, so that the erhu can sound accurately, and when you need to knead the strings, just knead it. In fact, the left hand has become more knowledgeable. Today, I will talk with you about some "knowledge" of the left hand. The correct finger movement method when playing...
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