
Erhu operating guide

"Eating sound" and "leaking sound" are two terms in Erhu Kuaigong. Of course, this term belongs to folk sayings. Its original meaning is to say that there are two consequences if the fast bow is not changed properly, one is "eating sound", and the other is "leaking sound". The so-called "eat sound" means that when the erhu inner and outer strings are switched, the first note does not appe...
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In erhu playing, changing the handle is the most important and the most used skill in the left hand. Many people do not have a very thorough understanding of the changing of the erhu. I have compiled the skills of changing the handle of the erhu for everyone. I hope it will be helpful to everyone! The order of the Erhu handle First learn to change the open strings to clarify the dis...
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Erhu's playing skills are relatively rich, mainly divided into two categories: fingering and bowing, among which portamento is the most distinctive among bowed string instruments. Portamento is the sound produced by consciously sliding your finger on a string. The sliding method is different, the resulting portamento effect is also different. In terms of the sliding range, there are...
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There are many reasons for the low sound of the erhu. Some of the problems appear on the strings, some on the skin, and some on the filter pad. Sometimes, the sound of the erhu is dull and low due to the influence of the weather. The specific reasons and treatment methods are as follows: [1] Everyone knows that the sound of the erhu is produced by the friction between the string...
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The erhu has a beautiful tone, the strength changes freely, and it is close to the human voice, with rich expressive power. For more than half a century, Erhu has made great progress in both playing skills and practice. Because this musical instrument has a long history and rich performance techniques, it is difficult for learners to achieve a high level of performance and artistic realm withou...
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Regarding the importance of bowing, "long, short, continuous, pause, shaking, jumping, throwing, and orderly arrangement of bows are wonderful." Regarding holding the qin, "the body of the violin should be kept stable and slightly inclined to the left, which is conducive to stable operation. The shoulders and arms should be natural, and the seat should be straight and not slumped." ...
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1. On the habit of practicing the piano Practice, repeated practice, hard practice, uninterrupted practice, not only runs through the growth process from beginner to performer, but also runs through the entire artistic career of an erhu performer. From a scientific point of view, it's a fact that every exercise is linked to our physical movements and is the result of nerve center ac...
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The red sandalwood erhu is an erhu made of red sandalwood, which has a natural black color without painting. So very slippery and easy to change handlebars. Although expensive, it is loved by professionals. Its timbre is more elegant and pleasant than erhu made of other materials. Red sandalwood erhu. The appearance is purple, full of grace and luxury. Wood is precious and sca...
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Summary sound differences: Matouqin has a thick tone, weak volume, and desolation in hearing; the two -hut sound is soft and lyrical, and it is very singing, like a human singing. Matouqin is a Mongolian folk string instrument with a piano handle and a trapezoidal body carved into the shape of a horse head. Erhu is a traditional Chinese string instrument. It consists of piano tube, piano skin, ...
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The development of the market economy has driven the development of the cultural industry, the development of the cultural industry has driven the development of the erhu industry, and the growing market demand for erhu has stimulated the development of the erhu production industry. To a certain extent, the drive of profit induces the breeding and promotes the production of counterfeit erhus, a...
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