
Erhu operating guide

A good playing posture is the first condition for the development of playing skills. No matter what kind of musical instrument you are learning, playing posture is the most fundamental lesson. The posture seems to be simple, and most beginners do not pay much attention to it. However, if you do not develop a good playing posture from the beginning, it will not only be unsightly, but more import...
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In the process of erhu learning and performance, there are many reasons for inaccurate pitch. The main problems are these: the legal system. Listening habits in the flow of music. The concept of the position is not clear and the hand shape is incorrect. The relationship between sound name, phoneme, and pitch is not uniform. The way to change is wrong. Left hand strain problem. As well as backbo...
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Erhu noise refers to the physical phenomenon that the sound is not harmonious in the process of resonance and resonance. The common causes of erhu noise are now analyzed as follows: Design Layout Factors 1. Some pianos cannot form a resonant resonance focus area in the piano barrel, the sound is scattered and dull, the bass is thin, the treble is empty, and it is easy to mak...
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How to debug Erhu? The debugging method of Erhu is as follows: 1. On the bow First unscrew the screw, spread the inner and outer strings a little, the fishtail passes through the middle of the inner and outer strings, reset the fishtail bow rod, install the screw, and adjust the tightness according to the size of the hand. 2.rub the rosin Each rubbing of rosin must be do...
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Let me tell you, in this extreme situation, the piano skin is basically useless, so let's re-skin it! Some people are used to being careless, and some children are naughty and mischievous. Or even though you have been very careful to protect your erhu, put it in the piano case and put it in the cabinet when not pulling it, but accidents will never happen if you are not careful. Maybe when...
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1. Transport finger Finger movement refers to the various pressing movements of the left finger on the strings. It is an important part of the basic training of the erhu. The most important thing in playing a musical instrument is the cooperation of both hands, and the erhu is no exception. Only when the fingers of the left hand and the bow of the right hand cooperate with each othe...
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Erhu has a beautiful and sweet timbre and has the same frequency range as the human voice, so it is widely liked by Chinese people. Playing qin music is as if you are talking about yourself. It is very contagious. At that time, as long as you pull up the erhu, your joy and worries will be vented through the erhu. Erhu can also be said to be the most sincere "friend". Friends need care, so the d...
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Holding the qin is a key action. If you do not hold the qin correctly, you will not be able to pull out the sound normally. So do you know the wrong way to hold the erhu? The following will introduce to you the wrong way to hold the erhu. The wrong way to hold the erhu 1. The piano barrel is placed in the middle of the left leg by mistake, instead of the position where the...
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There are seven formulas for pulling the erhu, and there are 5 ways to play the erhu well. The following is an introduction to you. Erhu practice formula: 1. About the importance of Erhu bow technique. She said: "Long, short, continuous, paused, shaken, jumped, and thrown, the bows are well arranged in an orderly manner." 2. About the Erhu Qin. "The body of the piano should be kept...
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How to choose Erhu is a hot topic among Hu friends. For many years, there have been many stories about painting, long stories and short stories, giving people the feeling of seeing flowers in the fog. I often encounter masters who have played the piano for decades and masters who have made the piano for decades, and sometimes the words are vague. It seems that the purchase of musical instrument...
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