
Kuluo operating guide

The kuro is a favorite instrument of the Kemu people, especially young men and women. They often sit around the fire at night and play entertainment. Sometimes one person plays the flute and the other sings and sings. In some areas, a bamboo qin is also used as accompaniment. When playing, the flute body is placed horizontally and diagonally to the right. Hold one end of the...
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Kro's Kormu edged chirping musical instrument. Kemu, also known as Duo and Daoer, is a single-hole flute with only one sound hole, except for the blow hole. The Kuluo tube body is made of a thin-walled long bamboo with a length of 40 cm to 50 cm and a diameter of 1.5 cm to 2 cm. There is a square blow hole 1 cm long and 1 cm wide at 3 cm from the upper bamboo joint, and a ci...
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