

Leyou (pinyin: lè yóu) is a folk double-reed vertical joy instrument of the Buyi people. Shaped like a suona, without a bowl, it is played with a worm whistle, which can be played solo or as an accompaniment to singing. It is popular in the vast area of southwestern Guizhou.


  • Chinese name:Leyou
  • popular area:Southwest Guizhou vast area
  • constitute:Buzzer, rod, heart core, brass hoop, insect whistle
  • Pinyin:lè yóu
Leyou has deeply rooted in the life of the people of Buyi and has been passed down from generation to generation. Leyou is a folk double-reed vertical joy instrument of the Buyi nationality. Shaped like a suona, without a bowl, it is played with a worm whistle, which can be played solo or as an accompaniment to singing. It is popular in the vast area of southwestern Guizhou. There is a legend about the origin of Leyou.
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Leyou has deeply rooted in the life of the people of Buyi and has been passed down from generation to generation. Leyou is a folk double-reed vertical joy instrument of the Buyi nationality. Shaped like a suona, without a bowl, it is played with a worm whistle, which can be played solo or as an accompaniment to singing. It is popular in the vast area of southwestern Guizhou.
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As the inheritor of Leyou from the Buyi ethnic group in Xingyi City, Wu Tianping can not only make exquisite Leyous, but also master Leyou's playing skills proficiently.
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Since the day of birth, Leyou has been acting as a bridge for the Bouyei men to get married. It shares the honor and disgrace with the Bouyei people, conveying the joys and sorrows of the Bouyei people; Today, it has become a sacred musical instrument widely loved and recognized by the Buyi people. Among the music that expresses national emotions, Leyou is the most expressive, and occupies a major position in national musical instruments, being one of the main instruments.
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Leyou has deeply rooted in the life of the people of Buyi and has been passed down from generation to generation. Leyou is a folk double-reed vertical joy instrument of the Buyi nationality. Shaped like a suona, without a bowl, it is played with a worm whistle, which can be played solo or as an accompaniment to singing. It is popular in the vast area of southwestern Guizhou.
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Leyou can pronounce (a, c1, d1, e1, g1, a1) 6 tones with a range of one octave. The pronunciation is crisp and sweet, similar to the timbre of a Western musical instrument oboe, with a strong local flavor. The playing technique is roughly similar to that of the suona, and the cyclic ventilation method is often used to make the melody played mellow and smooth, beautiful and expressive. It is mainly used to play Leyou (or Lelang) alone, a unique love song of the Bouyei people.
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Leyou has deeply rooted in the life of the people of Buyi and has been passed down from generation to generation. Leyou is a folk double-reed vertical joy instrument of the Buyi nationality. Shaped like a suona, without a bowl, it is played with a worm whistle, which can be played solo or as an accompaniment to singing. It is popular in the vast area of southwestern Guizhou.
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When playing Leyou, place the pipe upright, hold the pipe with both hands, press two holes with the index finger and ring finger of the left hand, and press the three holes with the index finger, middle finger and ring finger of the right hand, with a reed whistle in the mouth, and play with the cyclic ventilation method. Blow, range a-a2, there are two octaves.
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