

Mangtong (pinyin: Mangtong), said in Dai language is short, haya. In Chinese, it is called bucket, big copper horn. Popular in Yunnan Province Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Liaoning, Jilin and other places.


  • type:lip vibration instrument
  • nickname:A short rut, Haya, a barrel, a large copper horn
The horn is an ancient military horn. According to legend, it was derived from Dajiao during the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534 AD).
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I'm used to reading fashion magazines and trendy brands, but today I'll show you something different. This is the twenty-one band from the Qing Dynasty that swept the world. You must not have thought that this Qing Dynasty band had debuted in the C position and led the fashion. Just the folk music playing and painting have been sold at home and abroad.
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The horn is an ancient military horn. According to legend, it was derived from Dajiao during the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534 AD).
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The Chinese Musical Instrument Museum of the Institute of Music of the China Academy of Arts in Beijing has a collection of Manchu rucksacks.
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When playing the trumpet, hold the trumpet high with both hands, and the lips are close to the mouthpiece of the trumpet to blow air, with a louder volume and a low tone.
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The tube body is made of copper, the upper part is small, the lower part is large, and the bottom is empty. It consists of upper and lower sections.
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