
Saitur operating guide

Saitur is a distinctive plucked musical instrument of the Tajik people. Its shape is similar to that of the southern Xinjiang Boer. It can be played solo, in ensemble, or accompanied by singing and dancing. The following will introduce the playing method and famous music. When playing saitur, place the qin obliquely in front of your chest. The left hand holds the qin and presses the strings,...
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The shape and structure of the Saitur is like a water scoop with a long handle, and its shape and structure are similar to those of the Uyghur Southern Xinjiang Dangbull popular in Kashgar. It consists of a sound box, a piano rod, a headstock, a peg, a bridge and strings. The shape and structure of Saitul are similar to those of the Uyghur high-pitched boul, which is popular in Kashgar, so...
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