Erzhi (pinyin: è zhī) is similar to the pipa, and more similar to the Dinghan of the Dai people. Most of them are made by the performers for their own use, so the specifications and sizes are different. The total length of the piano body is mostly about 45 cm, the small one is only 30 cm, and the large one can reach 60 cm. There are two kinds of postures, sitting and standing.
There are two kinds of postures, sitting and standing. For seated play, place the piano box on the left thigh near the knee, hold the piano with the left hand and press the strings, generally without changing the position, and hold the ponytail bow in the right hand and play outside the strings with rosin; In the side pocket or in the belt worn on the left, the left hand holds the harp and the right hand holds the bow. The seated performers are mostly middle-aged and elderly people, and the standing performers are mostly young men.