2022 "Family China · Erhu Stage" Wuxi Xinwuying officially closed

230 views · Organized by 咖喱麦兜 on 2022-05-18


The 3-day 2022 "Family China Erhu Stage" Wuxi Xinwu Camp officially closed. In the past 3 days, everyone watched the craftsmanship of erhu, listened to the feast of famous erhu songs, made interesting paper-cuts, and felt the unique charm of national musical instruments. Had a short but fulfilling online vacation.


On May 15th, guided by the Jiangsu Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, hosted by the Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese in Wuxi City, undertaken by the Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese in Xinwu District, Wuxi City and Meicun Street, Meicun Erhu Industry Association, Taibo Temple Culture Development Co., Ltd., and Taibo Wu Ancestral Land Clan Association Co-organized and supported by Hongshan Street, Taiboling District, Hongshan Site Museum, and Rongxiang Book Club in Xinwu District, the 2022 "Family China·Erhu Stage" Wuxi Xinwu Camp was successfully closed. In this special camp, more than 850 overseas Chinese youths from more than 20 Chinese educational institutions and overseas Chinese associations in 16 countries including the United States, Canada, Italy, France, the Philippines, Thailand, and Cambodia, as well as overseas Japanese and Korean Wu clansmen More than 900 people from the new generation gathered in the "cloud".


Through the live broadcast platform, the campers watched the propaganda film of Wuxi High-tech Zone, and appreciated the development achievements of the high-tech zone in the past 30 years; they learned the history of erhu cultural heritage online, and watched the erhu masters in Meicun Erhu Industrial Park demonstrate traditional craftsmanship; He listened to the famous erhu songs "Erhu Reflecting the Moon" and "Horse Racing" played by Ma Yunfei, the third-generation non-genetic successor of Wan's erhu; Master Ji Haijun, a famous erhu master, took the life of a generation of master Liu Tianhua as the main line, and played the works created by the master in various periods. The representative work shows the evolution of the erhu from modern China to modern music style; the paper-cut master Huang Guoqiang's ingenious paper-cut skills allow the campers to appreciate the Chinese paper-cut culture and deepen their understanding of the basic structure of the erhu. The master's exquisite techniques make paper-cutting For the first time, the two intangible cultural heritage projects of Erhu and Erhu were integrated and perfectly presented to the campers.


The campers took "listening, watching, drawing, practicing, and cutting" to complete small tasks such as online punch cards, video conversations, and homework presentations. They further felt the beauty of Chinese culture and the beauty of erhu's timbre, which inspired students to learn ethnic musical instruments. Interest, in the blood-connected kinship and cultural blending, enhances the sense of cultural identity and belonging.


This special camp uses the national musical instrument erhu as the theme of the event, which is the first time in China. The theme innovation has brought challenges to the camp. Mai Manshu, President of the American Chinese American Youth Association, "Our campers don't play erhu very much, and their enthusiasm for participation is not high. I hope your organizers will work with us to solve this problem." , in order to solve the problems encountered. The organizer and the participating parties work together to plan together. The golden idea of "composing a story about the erhu, writing a riddle about the erhu, drawing a picture of the erhu, letting the children play the erhu song with their musical instruments, dancing with the erhu song, making the erhu handicraft, and paper-cutting" came into being. Solved the problem of low enthusiasm of campers to participate. Invite a professional team to "sit in" and provide online guidance at all times. The Erhu class is an instrumental music course. In planning, a team of experts was invited, including professor Lin Dongpo of the Music Department of Nanjing Normal University, Wuxi Erhu performer Hang Weiqi, associate professor Jiang Bo of the Music Department of Wuxi Jiangnan University, and Jin Tian of the Shanghai Film Academy. Online guidance. According to the characteristics of overseas Chinese teenagers, the courseware is carefully designed to enhance interest, viewing, and dissemination, and make good use of the "Erhu Stage" to tell the "New Erhu Story" of Xinwu and Mei Village.


Plum Village is the source of the reproduction of the descendants of the Wu clan in the south of the Yangtze River. The "Taibo Family" has continued in a continuous line, and its branches have multiplied and spread all over the world. The special camp has launched 12,000 clan members of the Wu clan in Japan and South Korea through the Taibo Wu Ancestral Clan Association, and more than 900 new generations of clan clan members participated in the activity. Build the "Family China Erhu Stage" well, and build the "big stage" into a platform for overseas Chinese and Wu clans to show Wuxi Wudi culture, erhu culture, and foreign exchanges, and to show Mei Village as the "Hometown of Erhu in China". The profound heritage and unique charm have conveyed the warm nostalgia and friendship of Mei Village, so that the new generation of overseas Chinese can further deepen their understanding of national culture, Wu culture and Erhu culture, cultivate their awareness of "roots" and enhance their understanding of Chinese culture. Self-confidence; make good use of the "Family China Erhu Stage" platform to set up the "Xinwu District Overseas Chinese Federation Overseas Friendship Center", and cooperate with the American Chinese Youth Association, the Italian Milan Promotion Chinese School, the French-Chinese International Chinese School, the Cambodian Westport Business School, The Thai Chinese Language Education Foundation has reached a cooperation and exchange intention, established contacts with nearly 30 overseas Chinese education institutions and overseas Chinese associations, and conserved overseas Chinese affairs resources. The article lays the groundwork and plays an active role in the dissemination and development of erhu culture, industry, and development in Xinwumei Village.


"It's a good thing to have a friend from afar." Xinwu, where people gather and is picturesque, is the longing and longing place for overseas Chinese teenagers. During the 3-day special camp study, the campers felt Xinwu's "hospitality", and the "Plum Village" was the most beautiful and full of harvest. The campers showed their punch-in works, exerted their ingenuity, won a lot of praise, and left a paragraph Good memories! Let's review the wonderful works of the campers.


"Knowing each other is far and near, thousands of miles are still neighbors." The good times are always short. During the three-day short gathering, the children forged a deep friendship through the "Erhu Stage". "The short separation is for the next time. Better Let's get together", looking forward to the campers coming to Xinwu, Wuxi, after the epidemic, to experience the unique charm and wonderfulness of this place!


Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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