2024 Huainan City's first Guzheng Art Festival grand opening

34 views · Organized by 小埋 on 2024-07-01

With the melodious zither music flowing slowly along the banks of the Huaihe River, Huainan City ushered in a major event in its cultural life - the first Guzheng Art Festival.

2024 Huainan City's first Guzheng Art Festival grand opening

On the afternoon of June 29, the "Huaihe River Bank" 2024 Huainan City's first Guzheng Art Festival was held in Huainan Welcome Hotel. Contestants from children, children, teenagers, professionals, adults and other groups shared the stage. The competition also invited well-known domestic guzheng players and educators to serve as judges of the competition.

Guzheng, the instrument for playing the plucked string, is popular throughout the country as an ancient ethnic instrument of the Han people, and is often used as an accompaniment for solo, ensemble, instrumental ensemble, song and dance, opera, and folk art. Also known as "the King of music" and "Oriental piano", it is one of China's unique and important national instruments.

"The first Guzheng Art Festival aims to create a stage that can display the charm of guzheng and inherit the essence of guzheng culture in an all-round way, explore more young guzheng talents while carrying forward the traditional music culture of the Chinese nation, and promote the development of guzheng art education in our city." City Guzheng association relevant person in charge said.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Guzheng (pinyin: Gǔ Zhēng), also known as Hanzheng and Qinzheng, is an ancient national musical instrument of the Han nationality and is popular all over China. It is often used for solo, duet, instrumental ensemble and accompaniment of song and dance, opera and folk art. Because of its wide range, beautiful timbre, rich playing skills and strong expressiveness, it is known as the "King of Music", also known as "Oriental Piano", and is one of the unique and important national musical instruments in China.

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