An American girl who is obsessed with Chinese erhu goes abroad to study at Zhejiang Conservatory of Music

260 views · Organized by 陆晨 on 2022-04-15

"In the past six months, although I have not been in China, I have fulfilled the 'erhu dream' online through transnational distance learning." In front of the camera, Suhasna Liyanaarachchi (Chinese name Li Suai), an international student from New Jersey, USA, is wearing a dark green suit. Cheongsam said.

Li Suai is a 2021 undergraduate student of the Zhejiang Conservatory of Music Department of Chinese Music, but due to the impact of the epidemic, she is currently unable to come to the Zhejiang Conservatory of Music to take classes. Fortunately, the school's teachers and students did their best to provide her with all kinds of help and carry out online teaching.

Li Suai's relationship with the traditional Chinese musical instrument Erhu can be traced back to when she was 12 years old. At that time, her parents arranged for her to learn the violin, but by chance, she saw a video of Erhu playing "Jasmine".

An American girl who is obsessed with Chinese erhu goes abroad to study at Zhejiang Conservatory of Music

"This oriental musical instrument, which is very similar to the human voice, immediately touched me." Li Suai said, and since then she has decided to change to erhu.

Learning erhu in the United States is not easy. It took her a year to find a teacher who can teach erhu in English. During the learning process, she gradually realized the importance of Chinese language and Chinese culture in learning Chinese national musical instruments, so she began to study Chinese seriously. Now, she has reached the level 4 of the Chinese Proficiency Test.

Li Suai's high school grades were excellent enough to enter the top universities in the United States, but because of her dedication and love for erhu and Chinese culture, she chose to study in Chinese universities.

In September 2021, Li Suai was admitted to the Zhejiang Conservatory of Music as she wished and won the Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship. "Zhejiang Conservatory of Music is located in Hangzhou, a famous historical and cultural city in China, not far from the hometown of Erhu. Moreover, the school's band, especially the national orchestra, is very attractive to me."

An American girl who is obsessed with Chinese erhu goes abroad to study at Zhejiang Conservatory of Music

Although the classes were all conducted online due to the impact of the epidemic, Li Suai said that the teachers showed great flexibility and tried their best to cooperate and help her.

Li Suai said that she liked Kong Yanyan, a teacher of Zhejiang Conservatory of Music very much. "She not only guided me in performance skills, but also taught me to understand the meaning and emotion behind the works. Teacher Kong is my dream mentor."

In addition, the school's teachers and students will also show her the beautiful campus and tidy classrooms remotely, making her feel the warmth of "home" at all times. "It makes me feel a kind of heart-to-heart."

There is a 12-hour time difference between New Jersey and Hangzhou, Zhejiang. In order to get closer to the teacher in time and space, in January this year, Li Suai flew to Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, which is only two hours away from China. "I'm getting closer to the Zhejiang Conservatory of Music."

However, in Colombo, she is also faced with the current political instability in Sri Lanka, shortage of supplies, and shortage of power supply. She is not afraid of hardships and always strives to achieve her "erhu dream".

Li Suai, who is persistent and studious, is also loved by teachers and students. Kong Yanyan said: "I like Li Suai very much. She has a strong professional level. I hope to help her realize her music and life dreams, and help her spread across the ocean. Chinese folk music and Chinese culture."

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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