Appreciation and Analysis of Guqin Famous Songs - Yi Zhen

245 views · Organized by 某某 on 2022-06-29

The qin piece "Yizhen" was written by Dong Tinglan in the Tang Dynasty. This piece was first seen in "Magic Secret Pu", and later collected in "Zheyin Shizi Qin Pu", "Feng Xuan Xuan Pin", "Renewing Zhenzhuan", "Qinyuan Xinzhuan Complete Compilation", "Tianwen Pavilion Qin Pu" , "Xing Xin Qin Score" and other piano score collections. The "Yizhen" played by Master Tianhong is based on the "Magic Secret Music", and the score is included in "Xingxin Qinpu" written by Master Tianhong.

Appreciation and Analysis of Guqin Famous Songs - Yi Zhen

The explanation of the title of "Yizhen" in "Xingxin Qinpu" says: "It was done by Dong Tinglan in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Play the piano and enjoy your heart. That's why there is this song."

In the "Xing Xin Qin Score", the post "Yi Zhen" said: "Yi Zhen nourishes the heart. From simplicity to simplicity. It should be broad and generous. Concise and condensed. It fits the way."

Dong Tinglan was a master of qin learning in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, a person of self-cultivation, and was famous all over the world for his ability to play "Hu Jia". Dong Tinglan was poor all his life, "doesn't work for princes, and spreads out forests for 60 years". With his outstanding qin learning attainments and his aloof temperament, he enjoyed a high reputation in the Tang Dynasty. In Gao Shi's "Farewell to Dong Da" " Mochou is ignorant of the road ahead, and no one in the world knows you.” The poem is an excellent portrayal. "Yi Zhen" is a qin piece composed by Dong Tinglan when she lived in seclusion in the mountains. She said, "Few desires to nourish the mind. Rest to nourish the truth." The "Yizhen" written by the Rainbow Master is gentle and simple, and it is upright. The so-called, those who are not Danbo have no clear aspirations, and those who are not tranquil cannot go far. The temptations in the world are like dust from mustard seeds, seeking to obstruct the eyes and seeking to obstruct the heart. Therefore, those who can nurture the mind with the Dao, and sway the mind with clear aspirations, have a master of the mind.

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Involving musical instruments

Guqin (pinyin: Gǔ Qín) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument with a history of at least 3,500 years. Guqin is also known as Yaoqin, Yuqin and Seven-stringed Qin. The guqin has 13 emblems that mark the rhythm, and is also a ritual and musical instrument. It belongs to the silk in the octave. Guqin has a wide range, deep timbre and long aftertone.

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