Can Erhu still be healthy? The benefits of pulling erhu

364 views · Organized by 湛鹰 on 2022-06-01

Whenever we go to the park, we can always see a lot of old friends getting together to play and sing. Their versatility is enviable. They sing, dance, play, chat, and have a good time in groups of three or five. They not only exercise their bodies, but also feel happy, and they also greatly enrich their post-retirement life. Due to work reasons, many elderly friends say that they should have some hobbies after retirement, so that they can enrich their lives and make many friends.

Many elderly people have a lot of free time after retirement and want to learn a musical instrument or two. Some have learned some instruments when they were young, and some want to learn from scratch. However, faced with so many musical instruments, how do we choose? I recommend starting with instruments that are easy to learn and quick to pick up. The elderly can choose some keyboard instruments, such as piano and accordion; they can also choose some traditional Chinese national instruments, such as erhu, flute, xiao, pipa and so on. Today, I will tell you about the benefits of learning Erhu for the elderly.

1. What are the benefits of learning Erhu?

Studies have shown that practicing string music can help elderly people coordinate their limbs and reduce the chance of falling in their lives. Taking the erhu, a traditional musical instrument in my country as an example, pulling the erhu mainly involves alternating left and right hands. The fingers are closely connected with the heart and brain nerves of the human body. Flexible movements of the arms and fingers can well promote the blood circulation of the peripheral nerves of the fingers. The harmonious grasp of the music rhythm can also strengthen the cardiopulmonary function.


Physical fitness

Scientific research shows that people who practice the piano will have higher finger sensitivity than ordinary people. When playing the violin, the fingers and wrists must not only exert even force and coordinate movements, but also quickly change the position of the left hand up and down. In the process of moving, it is not only the hands that are tested, but also the eyes and ears to read the score to listen to the rhythm and intonation. The whole process is a high degree of coordination and cooperation of various organs of the body such as eyes, ears, hands, and brain, so pulling the erhu can exercise the body.


exercise the brain

The biggest benefit of Changla Erhu is the brain. In the process of learning erhu, in addition to upper body movement, one should also take into account reading music scores, grasping the rhythm, etc., so as to continuously strengthen the memory ability, reasoning and analysis ability and logical judgment ability. Therefore, pulling erhu can help elderly friends effectively stay away from the intrusion of Alzheimer's disease.


Make friends

Youyang's voice is the most beautiful social tool. The wonderful erhu music can make people who play and listen to the zither enter the wonderful world of music, and completely relax with the sound of the zither, so as to obtain a pleasant spiritual enjoyment. In the process of learning piano, old friends can meet many like-minded friends, and they can communicate with each other and learn piano skills. In yearning for art and talking about life, it can effectively avoid the loneliness of old friends due to retirement.

2. Learning Collection

Elderly friends learn musical instruments mainly to add fun and enrich their later years, so don't have high requirements in practice. As long as you like music, have a strong desire to learn, and can guarantee a certain practice time every day, I believe that after a short period of practice, you can communicate with your friends. The following is some basic introductory information about learning Erhu.

Can Erhu still be healthy? The benefits of pulling erhu


Add equipment and cultivate interest

Erhu is favored by many elderly friends because of its simple structure, easy portability, suitable for solo ensemble, and not too expensive. Beginners can choose a relatively cheap erhu and practice from the simplest technique. Erhu is very quick to learn. Some beginners can learn a simple song on the same day. We can start practicing from familiar simple songs. Cultivating interest is the first step. At present, there are many special basic teaching materials for the elderly to learn erhu on the market. Elderly friends can choose the appropriate erhu teaching material according to their own foundation, preferably video teaching materials, and apply for classes in training institutions such as universities for the elderly. A good choice.


Firm confidence and perseverance

For beginners of musical instruments, in the process of learning, there will be phenomena such as inflexibility of fingers, inability to remember musical scores, and slow learning progress. These are easy to make old friends feel frustrated or self-denial. At this time, they should actively adjust their mentality and build confidence. We should set the goal on liking, hobbies, and looking for fun, and we can pull it into tune and reach a general level, and it is enough to dare to play in front of people. The progress of piano learning should also go with the flow, and should not be rushed, to avoid increasing the psychological burden in the process of learning the piano and weakening the interest and confidence in learning the piano.


Cultivating sentiment, sublimating life

Erhu has a round and soft tone, pleasant to the ear, rich in expression, and is deeply loved by people. Many classic songs such as "Erquan Reflecting the Moon" and "Good Night" can be said to be household names. Older friends have rich experience and are easy to resonate with music. They can choose some music that they are familiar with or think good to maintain a high desire for knowledge and interest in learning the piano. In the process of learning the piano, old friends can not only improve their personal performance skills, but also improve their artistic appreciation ability, making their life more rich and exciting.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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