
Organized by 薄暮 on 2022-02-18
The structure of the pipa in the Dong nationality is the same as that of the big pipa in the Dong nationality, but the qin has a wide variety of appearances.
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Organized by 氯化钠 on 2022-02-18
[Tang Dynasty] Wen Tingjun's "Kunming Water Control Poetry": "The drum and the drum are three times to report to the emperor, and the eagle flag beast ship rushes up."
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Organized by 华夫饼 on 2022-02-18
Zhongruan is a Chinese musical instrument with a quiet, soft and poetic timbre, similar to Qin Qin.
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Organized by 夜夜 on 2022-02-18
Emperor Zhuanxu was one of the five emperors in ancient China (Huangdi, Diku, Tang Yao, Yushun, Zhuanxu), and was known as the emperor of water virtue in the north.
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Organized by 某某 on 2022-02-18
Chaoer, also known as copying. Mongolian bow and stringed musical instruments. Chaoer means resonance in Mongolian. Also known as Sinaghan Chaoer, which means the spoon with resonance. Diverse shapes, soft and rich sound, full of grassland characteristics.
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Organized by 雨童 on 2022-02-18
Our ancestors choreographed small gongs with different pitches very early and used them in musical practice. In the Song Dynasty painter Su Hanchen's "Trademan Picture", a merchantman hangs several musical instruments, one of which is a ten-faced cloud gong.
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Organized by 南丘 on 2022-02-18
Kubuzi is a Kazakh bow and stringed musical instrument. Chinese also translated as Hobbes, Hobbes, Kebuzi and so on. With a long history, simple construction and soft sound, it is used for solo, ensemble or accompaniment.
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Organized by 某某 on 2022-02-18
The ancient sandalwood was introduced into the Central Plains from the northwestern minority areas, and has been used in music and dance, rituals and Buddhist music in the Sui Dynasty. In the early Tang Dynasty frescoes in the Thousand Buddha Caves in Dunhuang, there are already painted figures of musicians striking sandalwood boards. In the frescoes of the Bohai Tomb Group (AD 698-926) in Jilin Province, there is also an image of a female musician holding a sandalwood board.
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Organized by 八日蝉 on 2022-02-18
The corbel is a bowed and stringed musical instrument of the Dong people. Named for the slender body that resembles a cow's thigh. Also known as Yanbasen. It has a long history, various specifications, and soft tone. It is mainly used for the accompaniment of Dong folk songs and Dong operas.
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Organized by 离去之原 on 2022-02-18
Regarding its origin, there is an ancient story circulating in Jingpo Mountain Village, Zhanxi Township, Yingjiang County.
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