
Organized by 小埋 on 2022-02-16
From the beginning of the establishment of the Middle Ages, through Xingyuan, Zhenyuan, Yongzhen, Yuanhe, Changqing, to the 45 years of the second year of Baoli, Xiaohulei has been hiding in the inner palace. At the time of Emperor Wenzong Li Ang in Tang Dynasty, there was a palace man, Zheng Nv, who was good at playing Xiao Hu Lei, and it only began its prosperous period.
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Organized by 咖喱麦兜 on 2022-02-16
Xiaohulei is a pipa-type stringed instrument that appeared in the Tang Dynasty. Longer history. As early as the 4th century AD, in the frescoes of Ajanta in western India, there were already stick-shaped lutes and pear-shaped lutes. Since the Han and Wei Dynasties, musicians from the Western Regions have settled down through the "Silk Road" to perform their art in the central region, and have brought the Western Regions Quxiang Pipa through the Qiuci.
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Organized by 小饼干 on 2022-02-16
Husitar, a Uyghur stringed musical instrument. (Husitar) means (sweet strings). Popular in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and other places.
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Organized by 袁城 on 2022-02-15
Xiao Hulei was a precious musical instrument. According to legend, it has always been hidden in the emperor's palace. It was lost to the people, and later passed on, and it fell into the hands of a talented young man named Liang Houben.
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Organized by 蕾伊 on 2022-02-15
Satar, Uyghur bow and stringed musical instrument. Also known as "Setar", the Persian "Sa" means "three" and "Tar" is "string", which means a musical instrument with three strings. It has a long history, its shape is similar to playing boolean, and its tone is bright. It can be used for solo, ensemble or to accompany singing "Twelve Muqam".
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Organized by 凉凉月色 on 2022-02-15
Unearthed from Taosi Temple in Shanxi Province, it is made of boulders with holes on it, which can be hung and struck. Experts determined that it was one chime and one sound. Some people believe that they are exactly the rock pans used in "smashing the stone" and "hunting the beasts dancing". It was the scraper that evolved into a musical instrument.
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Organized by 汾酒 on 2022-02-15
In the twenty-fourth year of Qianlong's reign (1759), there were the unearthed ancient bells and the triumph of the five-year Northwest War. The two originally independent events were linked together. In addition, Emperor Qianlong's appraisal of the ancient bells made the manufacture of bells full of energy. A mysterious and auspicious atmosphere. The bell and the special chime have been recorded in the records of music in all dynasties, but they were vacant in the Ming Dynasty.
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Organized by Eno Elvis on 2022-02-15
Huqin is one of the Chinese national musical instruments. It is a stringed musical instrument that uses bowed strings to rub the strings to make them vibrate to produce sound. It comes from the northern ethnic groups.
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Organized by 日记里的汤姆 on 2022-02-15
The earliest serenade had fifty strings, so it was also called "fifty strings". "Book of Songs" records that "a fair lady is a friend of the piano", "I have guests, and I play the sheng".
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Organized by 秋色 on 2022-02-15
The origin of ser is very long, and it accounts for the largest proportion of the stringed instruments found in archaeology. Its excavation sites are concentrated in Hubei, Hunan and Henan provinces, and most of them are from the Eastern Zhou tombs. In other provinces such as Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong and Liaoning, only a few sporadic findings were found. It is recorded in the literature that "Paoxi's" was a surrogate.
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