Characteristic local culture enters Wuxi Vocational College of Science and Technology

146 views · Organized by 岚玖 on 2022-06-17

Intangible cultural heritage culture is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation and the sustenance of emotions. As a school located in the birthplace of Wu culture, Wuxi Vocational College of Science and Technology pays special attention to cultural education. The school focuses on the characteristic cultural course "Wu Culture and Art Appreciation" to promote Intangible cultural heritage, promote the introduction of characteristic local culture into the campus, strengthen the cultural heritage of students, and help cultural inheritance.

Characteristic local culture enters Wuxi Vocational College of Science and Technology

Extensive course content

The school party committee attaches great importance to cultural education, the secretary and the principal check, and determine the course teachers and teaching content. The "Wu Culture and Art Appreciation" course is conducted in the form of a series of lectures by masters. The content covers eight aspects of Wuxi's characteristic culture, which are divided into eight lectures. They are "Huishan Clay Figure Art", "Tin Opera Art Appreciation", "Reading and Sending the Five Hundred Years of Spring - Jiangnan Garden Art", "The Origin of Wu Culture", "The Beauty of Guanyin Kunqu Opera", and "Wuxi Musicians Influencing the Development of Chinese Erhu" "Jiangzuo Humanities - Famous Famous Families in Wuxi" and "Poem Appreciation".

Characteristic local culture enters Wuxi Vocational College of Science and Technology

Strong faculty

The speakers are all hired intangible cultural heritage masters and nationally renowned experts and scholars. Such as the representative inheritor of Huishan clay figurines intangible cultural heritage, the "three belts" celebrity of local talents in Jiangsu Province, the celebrity of Jiangsu Province arts and crafts, the researcher-level senior arts and crafts artist Zhao Jiangao; the national first-level screenwriter, literature and history expert, CCTV documentary planning and writing, Professor Zhuang Ruojiang, director of the Jiangnan Family Culture Research Center; Deng Jiandong, a famous erhu performer, Kong Aiping, a famous Kunqu opera artist and a national first-class actor; Ji Chunyan, a famous tin opera performing artist and a national first-class actor; Dr. Huang Xiaodan, a famous scholar of classical literature and a disciple of Ye Jiaying; senior Garden worker, Jin Shisheng, cultural director of Wuxi Huishan Ancient Town Scenic Spot Management Office, etc.

Combining online and offline

Each lecture is aimed at all sophomore students, and 4,000 students attend the major aesthetics class. The lecture has a main venue and a branch venue. The participants of the main venue are generated by registering for tickets. The branch venue is in the school's smart classroom, and the students watch the live broadcast. At the same time, the Tencent conference was opened, which was open to the society, reflecting the concept of "integration of districts and schools, cultural services".

Lively and lively

Art lectures are not only "speaking" but also "acting", such as tin opera lectures, on-site teaching, where students go to the stage to follow the teacher to learn movements; Kunqu opera lectures, where the teacher sings while speaking; Erhu lectures, with young performers from the Wuxi Folk Orchestra Play live. The students felt that this was not just a lecture, but an unforgettable art feast.

Through the series of lectures on "Wu Culture and Art Appreciation", the aesthetic level of students has been improved, their understanding of intangible cultural heritage and characteristic local culture has been enhanced, cultural identity has been enhanced, and cultural self-confidence has been enhanced.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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