Chord rhyme flow heart with Ning Yue -- an analysis of the artistic charm and emotional depth of Erhu famous song "Ning Yue"

49 views · Organized by 蕾伊 on 2024-07-24

In the treasure house of Chinese folk music, Erhu, as a very expressive string instrument, carries profound cultural heritage and emotional expression. Among many famous Erhu songs, "Ning Yue", with its unique artistic charm and profound emotional connotation, has become a bright color in the hearts of countless listeners. This paper will discuss the unique features of Ning Yue from three aspects: musical structure, emotional expression and cultural background, and lead readers into the moonlight dream woven by strings.

Chord rhyme flow heart with Ning Yue -- an analysis of the artistic charm and emotional depth of Erhu famous song

Musical structure: interweaving of melody and rhythm

The melody lines of "Ning Yue" are smooth and varied, and it depicts a quiet and profound picture of a moonlight night with the delicate timbre characteristic of Erhu. At the beginning of the song, the gentle notes are like the rising moonlight falling on the lake, and the gradual melody is like the moon's shadow gently swaying on the water, creating a quiet and mysterious atmosphere. With the development of the song, the melody lines are gradually enriched, and the rhythm is also changed from soothing to fluctuating, expressing the subtle changes of emotions under the moonlight, both the gentle quiet under the moon and the lonely thoughts in the late night.

Emotional expression: Monologue of the inner world

"Ning Yue" is not only a music depicting the natural scene, but also a profound expression of the composer's inner emotions. Through the application of Erhu's unique timbre and expression techniques, such as glissando and trill, each note is full of emotional color. The song not only praises the beauty of the moonlight night, but also nostalgia for the past years, but also has the sentiment of life. This multi-level expression of emotion allows the listener to feel a resonance beyond language, as if it can directly touch the heart.

Cultural background: Blend of tradition and modernity

Although "Ning Yue" is based on the tradition, it integrates modern elements in the creation methods and interpretation methods, reflecting the innovative spirit of Chinese folk music in the inheritance and development. The music not only retains the charm of traditional Chinese music, but also draws on the harmony concept of Western music, so that the whole work has not only the implicit beauty of the East, but also the international music language. This cross-cultural musical dialogue not only enrichis the expressive force of the work, but also makes "Ning Yue" a bridge connecting ancient and modern times and communicating with China and the world.

The famous Erhu song "Ning Yue", with its unique musical charm and profound emotional connotation, has occupied a place on the music stage in China and even in the world. It is not only a shining pearl of Erhu art, but also a vivid manifestation of the Chinese nation's cultural confidence and aesthetic pursuit. Every time you listen, you can feel the peace and beauty from the bottom of your heart, as if you were in the quiet and peaceful moonlight night, dancing with the moon and drinking with music.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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