"Family China·Erhu Stage" opened on the cloud in Wuxi, Jiangsu

187 views · Organized by 氯化钠 on 2022-05-17

On May 13th, under the guidance of Jiangsu Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, hosted by Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese in Wuxi City, and jointly undertaken by Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese in Xinwu District, Wuxi City, and Meicun Street, the "Family China Erhu Stage", Wuxi Xinwuying, Jiangsu, opened on the cloud.

At the camp opening ceremony, the campers watched the propaganda video of Wuxi High-tech Zone through live connection, and appreciated the development achievements of Wuxi High-tech Zone in the past 30 years; "entered" Meicun Erhu Industrial Park, and watched erhu masters demonstrate traditional production techniques. ;Listen to Ma Yunfei, the third-generation non-genetic inheritor of Wan's Erhu, playing the famous Erhu songs "Erquan Reflecting the Moon" and "Horse Racing"...

It is understood that the "Family China Erhu Stage", Jiangsu Wuxi Xinwu Camp lasts for 3 days. In 3 days, the organizer will lead more than 750 overseas Chinese youths from more than 20 Chinese educational institutions and overseas Chinese associations in 16 countries including the United States, Canada, Italy and other ways through live broadcast, recorded courses and WeChat group communication and interaction. Meet in the "cloud", explore the "hometown of erhu in China" Wuxi Mei Village, and start a wonderful erhu learning journey.

"Today I watched the making process of erhu and listened to Ma Yunfei's performance, which gave me a strong interest in erhu. If I have the opportunity to go to Wuxi in the future, I will definitely go to Mei Village to see it." Said camper Shi Yaqi from the Philippines.

"Today is the first lesson. The campers watched the craftsmanship and performance of the erhu, and had a preliminary understanding of the erhu." Wu Lixin, chairman of the Overseas Chinese Federation of Xinwu District, Wuxi City, hopes that the campers can learn the wonderful Chinese stories through the three-day study. , to share the stories of Wuxi, pass on the warm nostalgia, friendship and feelings of Mei Village, and further promote the erhu culture of Mei Village. Camper Chen Fengming from Cambodia said that he believes that the three-day study will become a good memory.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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