Farm Primary School Let the traditional culture infiltrate the heart of the child

93 views · Organized by 拙 on 2022-03-24

Farm Primary School is an old school with profound traditional culture and historical heritage. Over the years, the school has continuously improved students' humanistic literacy and helped students develop in an all-round way through classic Chinese education and excellent traditional cultural education.

Farm Primary School Let the traditional culture infiltrate the heart of the child

Entering the farm primary school, the rich, round, deep and beautiful sound of erhu came from the classroom. The members of the erhu club were playing "Learning from Lei Feng's Good Example" and other songs under the guidance of the teacher. As the school's characteristic folk music club, the members of the erhu club have grown from 10 members at the beginning to more than 30 members. Under the careful guidance of teachers, the students' performance level and musical literacy have been greatly improved.

Liu Jun, a teacher from Farm Primary School: "The erhu practice process was quite difficult, so some students quit the club, but in the '61' activity organized by the school, our erhu show was very successful, attracting many students to come and participate, and the erhu club also Gradually, it has grown. This year, the extended service has been opened, and the number of students participating is even more, and now our club has 30 people.”

Farm Primary School Let the traditional culture infiltrate the heart of the child

Erhu is an important national musical instrument in my country. Farm Primary School incorporates erhu special courses into the school curriculum construction, which not only enriches the school's special courses, but also allows more and more children to come into contact with and love erhu, learning and inheriting traditional Chinese culture. "I was attracted by the sound of erhu and developed a strong interest in erhu. After that, I asked a teacher to sign up for the erhu club and insisted on learning erhu." said He Zixi, a farm student.

The sound of books reverberates in the campus accompanied by erhu music, fresh and elegant cultural walls and propaganda positions can be seen everywhere, and the strong traditional cultural atmosphere and the new civilization of civilization are blowing. In front of the school's teaching building, a sailboat-shaped cultural pavement composed of nearly a hundred ancient poems is particularly eye-catching. The school attaches great importance to the construction of campus culture, so that every brick and wall on the campus has a strong cultural atmosphere, so that students can naturally experience this strong cultural atmosphere. This sailboat shape with Chinese ancient poems as the hull and mathematical formulas and common calculation methods as the poles, on the one hand, means that the school can set sail and sail to the distance, on the other hand, it also hopes that the students can go further and higher. place.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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