Father and son who sang Bai Ju to more Nanjing people

93 views · Organized by 小饼干 on 2022-03-16

"Beautiful Nanjing has a beautiful scenery, but it is difficult to draw a piece of the white set. If literati and writers are interested, they will have a walk in the land of gold powder..." At the scene of the "Saihong Grand Stage" event in Saihongqiao Street, Nanjing, it is also the inheritance of the Nanjing White Bureau. The father and son Yin Ronghua and Yin Hongyu are holding the erhu, and the song "Beautiful Nanjing in Four Seasons of Flowers" is being sung, which is their innovative program to bring the white bureau to the stage.

It speaks the most authentic Chengnan old Nanjing dialect, and sings Ming and Qing folk songs and Jiangnan polls. In 2008, Baiju was included in the national intangible cultural heritage list. In order to better pass on the intangible cultural heritage culture, Yin Ronghua, who was over 80 years old, passed on his skills to his son Yin Hongyu. Since then, on the campus, in the community, and on the stage, Yin's father and son can often be seen on the same stage. figure.

Father and son who sang Bai Ju to more Nanjing people

△ Performance stage map

Eight performances a day, octogenarians perform across Nanjing City

Yin Ronghua, 82 years old this year, has been learning to sing Bai Ju with his uncle since he was 14 years old. He and his wife Xia Zhifen also became attached to Bai Ju. More than 60 years ago, Yin Ronghua played the erhu accompaniment with his uncle, and Xia Zhifen sang with his sister. Because both of them love the white game, they formed a marriage in the white game singing again and again. Until now, Yin Ronghua and Xia Zhifen often sing white games together. He pulls the erhu, his wife sings a song, and the love for each other can be witnessed every song after another.

When he was young, Yin Ronghua was a model worker in Nanjing and a township entrepreneur in Jiangsu Province. In his spare time, Bai Ju was his first choice to relieve stress and relax. After retiring, Yin Ronghua picked up his erhu again, joined Xu Chunhua Baiju Inheritance Society, and started a busy life with Baiju.

Yin Ronghua told a reporter from Modern Express that in order to let more people know about the white game and learn to sing the white game, the Xu Chunhua Baiju Inheritance Society to which he belongs often goes to various communities for interest teaching, "This is all free, but it can make the traditional culture To be inherited and carried forward is more meaningful than making money.”

In addition to community teaching, Yin Ronghua and his partners will also go to live performances and teach children on campus. What impresses Yin Ronghua deeply is not only the moment of performing on stage, but also the memory of "on the road". "Whether it's raining or snowing, as long as there is a performance, we will be free from rain or shine." Yin Ronghua recalled the days of 8 performances the previous day-after performing at Crescent Lake at 8:00 in the morning, he immediately rushed to the Yunjin Research Institute in Hexi So, after the end, we will go to the Central Gate, Yuhuatai, and there will be performances in the evening... Yin Ronghua and Xu Chunhua, the representative successor of Baiju, shuttled through the streets and alleys of Nanjing City together, and they joked with each other: "The two of us add up to 160 People in the next year are still so dissatisfied with their old age." The busy schedule also made them realize that in order to better spread the white game, they need the strength of the next generation, and they have the energy to sing the white game farther and louder.

Father and son who sang Bai Ju to more Nanjing people

△Yin Ronghua (pictured right) and Yin Hongyu (pictured left) performed on the same stage

The inheritance of Bai Ju cannot be broken, and his son takes over as the non-genetic inheritor

In Yin Hongyu's childhood memories, after every meal, his father would often pull the erhu and hum along with his mother the familiar white tune, and the younger generation would gather around and babble along to learn. Time flies, Yin Hongyu, who was born in 1963, is 59 years old. He has been relegated to the second line of work and continues to learn from his father Yin Ronghua. The difference is that the place where father and son perform on the same stage has changed from a small courtyard in childhood to a bigger one. the stage.

Yin Hongyu has been under the influence of her parents since she was a child, and often hums along with her. In recent years, Yin Ronghua has begun to systematically teach him various tunes, singing methods and musical instruments. Man Jianghong, dressing table, flower tunes... Yin Hongyu, who loves the white game, has worked hard to learn various tunes from her father, and now she can perform on stage with ease. Today, Yin Hongyu, like his father, has been selected as the inheritor of the White Bureau in Nanjing. On the road of singing the White Bureau, the father and son can always be seen walking together.

"Baiju is the only local music genre in Nanjing. Culture cannot be broken, and no one will know about it... I am very grateful to Saihongqiao Street for providing training venues and stage opportunities for our folk art teams." Yin Ronghua He sighed to the reporter, "The times are changing, and the white bureau has also sung from a roadside stall to a bigger stage. In order to better present the white bureau to the audience, the descendants of the inheritors are starting to make different arrangements and attempts. , I'm looking forward to them."

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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