From "entertaining oneself" to "taking it out", the cuts that the elderly have taken to learn erhu

142 views · Organized by 小埋 on 2022-05-23

Nowadays, more and more elderly people are self-taught erhu. Whether it is in the community or in the park, you can often see the figure of the elderly who practice the erhu.

Among the many self-taught erhu elders, there are not a few people who only satisfy the "self-entertainment" type. For these elderly people who are self-taught erhu, the flexibility of their fingers, the ability to respond to the brain and the ability to coordinate their limbs are declining due to their age. Therefore, self-taught erhu will inevitably increase the difficulty. The increase in difficulty has made many people timid, lowering the standard of playing the qin, just content with "entertaining oneself", and do not want to further improve the level of playing the erhu.


What is the general standard for "entertaining oneself"? In a nutshell, that is, I can only pull some simple songs, and some basic skills such as vibrato are not very standardized, and I am not familiar with the rules of changing bars. At most, I can pull to the second position, and it is very reluctant. As for the fast bow, it is not involved. Occasionally pulling the fast bow will not be able to draw the notes accurately and keep up with the rhythm.

"Self-entertainment", in the final analysis, is to play by yourself and not to play in ensemble with others. It is considered to be the lowest level among the self-taught erhu crowd. We play the erhu and entertain ourselves. This is only one of the purposes. It should also have the purpose of entertaining others. Being able to entertain others is more important than just entertaining yourself, and it can better reflect the value of your piano learning.

In life, we often see such a phenomenon. Some middle-aged and elderly people who are self-taught erhu often do not dare to practice erhu at home, but have to carry the piano to the park or find a secluded place to practice. The reason is very simple, playing the piano at home, because of the limited level, was disgusted by the neighbors. Even in the park to play the violin, there are very few people watching and listening. Because the erhu you pull can only entertain yourself but not others.


Therefore, self-learning erhu is not enough to be satisfied with "entertaining oneself". This standard is too low, and it is necessary to raise one's own level of playing the violin to a higher level.

In fact, self-learning erhu can reach the level of "self-entertainment", which is considered very good. It shows that you have a certain foundation. If you further improve your performance level, there will be possibilities. That is, one step at a time. far away.

The primary standard for learning erhu is "entertaining yourself", so what is the next step? Very simple, that is "get it out". The so-called "getting it out", the objective standard is the erhu intonation standard, the sound sounds soft, and the rhythm is strong. After reaching this standard, the sound you pull out is music, not noise. You are pleasant to listen to yourself, and others are also comfortable to hear. After reaching this level, you can cooperate with your piano friends, and in a simple small band, you can become a member of it.

From "entertaining oneself" to "getting it out", of course, there are several hurdles to overcome, of which there are two most critical hurdles, one is "pitch" and the other is "string sticking". Intonation involves fingering, stringing, and bowing. These are the two most basic skills of Erhu.

For pitch, the easiest place to go wrong is to change the handle. When many people are playing the erhu, there is no problem with the first position, and they can grasp the pitch well. The problem often occurs when changing handlebars. When changing from the first position to the second position or the third position, due to the inaccurate position of the finger pressing the strings, the pitch fluctuates suddenly.

The inaccurate sound when changing the handle is indeed a hurdle for improving the level of erhu. The focus of correction should be placed on two aspects: listening training and experience accumulation of hand feel, and then diligent study and hard training. In addition, there is no shortcut.


Another hurdle is in the bowing technique, mainly because the bow hair is not tightly attached to the string. The bow hair is not tightly attached to the string, and the biggest problem is that the sound produced by the erhu is not full, and the sound is floating and empty.

Correction method: To establish this feeling, whether it is pushing or pulling the bow, the bow hair seems to stick to the string. The direction of force is not only left and right, but also the feeling of pushing outward and leaning inward, and bowing is the result of the combined effect of the two forces. In this way, the sound that is pulled out is real but not false, and it sounds very comfortable.

Of course, in order to improve the level of self-learning erhu, the obstacles encountered are not limited to the two mentioned above, there will be many, many more. But it can be said with certainty that after passing the above two hurdles, the level of self-learning erhu will be significantly improved, completing the leap from the "self-entertaining" type to the "hands-on" type.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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