How to learn the emotional skills of erhu playing?

364 views · Organized by 八日蝉 on 2022-05-05

For many beginners, apart from the boring basic skills exercises, it is easy to feel that the tunes drawn by the erhu have no emotion. In fact, high-level musicians do not necessarily have rich emotions, and low-level musicians can also pull out emotions. In the end how can we pull the song emotionally? Let me introduce to you the skills of erhu emotional grasping.

How to learn the emotional skills of erhu playing?

1. Memorize the score and all markings

By memorizing the score, you will no longer be distracted by what the notes are when you play. If your attention is not in the music but on the notes, you will have no emotion when you pull it out. Memorized scores include those marks, such as strong and weak marks, crescendos and fading marks, fast and slow marks, breathing marks, and even pause marks, etc. You must memorize them. The premise of feeling is the flow, and it is convenient to do more. changes in performance.

2. Changeable bowing techniques must be prioritized

Appreciating erhu performances is the same as listening to stories. Every song is a story. Different emotions and different scenes develop and change. Not only can you handle and competently pull the bow and push the bow, but also with wonderful jumping, bowing, and Unique bows, etc. Emotional erhu bows must be flexible or strong, long or short, connected and divided, retractable and unloadable. Only in this way can we freely switch between lively and lyrical.

How to learn the emotional skills of erhu playing?

3. Practicing vibrato and glissando skills

If you rely on good pitch and rhythm alone, it is far from being able to correctly express the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the melody. It must be expressed delicately in combination with the rich vibrato of the left hand. For example, when Erhu depicts a scene of grief, the left hand must use a large amount of pressure and kneading on the phoneme. At the same time, the portamento, which is the soul technique of the erhu, is very helpful to the rendering of the image and atmosphere. Therefore, practicing these two skills can greatly improve the possibility of the erhu pulling out feelings.

4. Correct understanding and processing of music.

In addition to the necessary lyrical skills and coordination of the left and right hands, accurately grasping the style and emotion of the music is also an important part of expressing the emotion of the erhu. Before playing a piece of music, you must concentrate on researching the theme of the piece, understand the structure of the piece, and compare the changes in mood and style of each piece. Only by deeply understanding the emotions hidden behind the songs can we interpret good works better and more accurately. When performing, we can be contagious and let the audience feel the emotions of the performers better. Only in this way, the pulled music may be more distinctive and full of personality.

How to learn the emotional skills of erhu playing?

In fact, in order to make erhu music sound and emotional, it needs to rely on pronunciation, rhythm, understanding of the music, and more on the basic erhu skills unique to the left and right hands.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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