How to properly prevent erhu from moisture, insects and shocks

361 views · Organized by 黑猫不是喵 on 2022-05-11

Moisture proof

The skin of the erhu is made of animal protein. The tension of the skin is easily affected by temperature and humidity, especially humidity. This is the reason why many friends often talk about their own treasures. Sometimes the sound is good, and sometimes the sound is not good. Generally, babies with relatively loose skins will have a much better tone in sunny and dry weather, while some babies with relatively tight skins will become rounder and sweeter in cloudy and humid weather. This is because the piano skin is affected by temperature and humidity.

How to properly prevent erhu from moisture, insects and shocks

We need to use the natural temperature and humidity to serve us, and use different pianos for different weather to achieve the desired effect. But it should be noted that the baby should not be stored in the air-conditioned room, because the air humidity in the air-conditioned room is too low and too dry, and especially in the south, there is a rainy season every year, so be very careful to prevent moisture, if the piano skin is seriously damp, then Not good. It is generally advisable not to store erhu in an air-conditioned room. Regarding moisture resistance, we can place the desiccant (generally available in supermarkets) in the place where the baby's box is close to the piano to absorb moisture.

insect proof

We should pay special attention to this. Sometimes we play the violin without washing our hands after eating, which will contaminate some food residues and oily substances on our baby. At the same time, these substances are also the food that bugs like. When baby After putting it in the box, some small bugs may crawl from the outside of the box to the baby. The most terrible thing is to bite your piano skin, so that our baby will be scrapped. Therefore, it is recommended to wash our hands before every time we play the piano. It is better not to have food around when we play the piano or when we put the piano temporarily. It is best to use a clean soft cloth to remove the skin and barrel after every time we play the piano. If the rosin on the top is not removed in time, it may not be able to go out for a long time, especially if there is too much rosin on the piano skin, it will also affect the pronunciation. If the piano is not used for a long time, it is best to put a mothball in the piano box. If it is not packaged, you can wrap it with a cloth and put it in the piano box. This is a line of defense against insects. (If you play the piano every day, generally you don't need to put camphor)


This is the easiest to do. I often hear that the erhu head of a certain person broke again. This is due to the usual carelessness. If you accidentally drop it, it is usually fine. If you don’t pay attention, then the baby is over. , remember that no matter how good the baby is, it can't withstand falling, and usually develop a careful habit, that is, it is shockproof. Do you know how much an ordinary ceramic bowl in the Song Dynasty was worth? It is said that this ceramic thing is broken when it is dropped, and it can be well preserved for more than a thousand years. It is not easy!

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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