In the twilight years, the erhu is still the original beauty in his heart

170 views · Organized by Eno Elvis on 2022-04-14

Before I went, I was still worried that I would not be able to find a place to find a place, but when the elevator opened, there was a melodious sound of musical instruments, and I followed the sound to the far end of the floor, where the afternoon sun leaned against the window. The edge refracted into the aisle, the door was open, and the sound of the musical instruments was from far to near. At a glance, I saw Mr. Li lightly holding the erhu with his left hand and pulling the bow with his right hand. His eyes were slightly closed.

In the twilight years, the erhu is still the original beauty in his heart

Mr. Li, we more affectionately call him Uncle Li. Uncle Li, whose real name is Li Xiangou, was born in the late 1930s and was a professional performer of the Huangmei Drama Troupe. He has studied the piano since childhood and is good at dulcimer, erhu, xylophone, leiqin, percussion and other musical instruments. Among the many musical instruments, Uncle Li especially loves the erhu. A thick sheet of music has not been flipped for a long time. Today, at the age of eighty-five, the obvious indentation on the trousers on his left thigh is enough to show that he is not only dealing with a simple one. Three meals a day, and the rest of the time was given to Erhu. The scores of these songs were already well-known and deeply imprinted in Uncle Li's mind. A song "My Motherland and Me" is impassioned; Yicheng Huangmei is melodious and soothing, the inner and outer strings alternately show the playfulness and cuteness of "Xiaoluohao", and the small residence becomes full of interest due to the sound of the huqin .

In the twilight years, the erhu is still the original beauty in his heart

I was fortunate to listen to Uncle Li's 80th birthday music special, which was organized for him by his students. The whole concert lasted for two hours. Uncle Li was immersed in the interaction and blending of him and his musical instruments. The 80-year-old man was shining on the stage. , The love is deep, a kind of visible and tangible enthusiasm radiates from the inside out, infecting the audience. The thunderous applause is the admiration and admiration for Uncle Li's pure pursuit of art all his life. The low-key and humble Uncle Li may not be the best performer, but he must be the most obsessed with musical instruments, and he loves his life and bone marrow. Time is wasted, the pursuit is still the same, the world is still the same, and the life is still the same. Only if you deeply like it can you persist, and always insist on being a better version of yourself today than yesterday.

In the twilight years, the erhu is still the original beauty in his heart

Before liberation, the old artist only used three fingers to play the huqin, and pressed them to make it sound better. After liberation, after several generations of efforts. Erhu playing skills have been greatly improved: the three fingers are changed to four fingers, and the kneading string and the violin are called tumblers. However, because the tiger's mouth is close to the piano rod, the wrist is limited in kneading, and the sound of kneading is not as light and elegant as the violin, especially The little finger couldn't roll up, but it was still pressed.

Uncle Li, who loves musical instruments, made a unique improvement to the dulcimer in the seventies, which was recognized by the circle. Now, in his old age, he invented the erhu finger sleeve. The original intention of the finger cuffs is to prevent sweat and increase slippage. In practice, Uncle Li was surprised to discover the greater benefits of this finger cuff: to change the rules of the erhu game, it can be changed from rolling to wrist rubbing. Originally, the tiger's mouth was used as the fulcrum, and the fingers made joint movements. Now the finger cover separates the tiger's mouth and the piano rod. With the fingers as the fulcrum, the tiger's mouth is used as the slide, and the wrist is used for the vertical movement of the spring. In this way, the whole hand is alive, and the four fingers are all alive. Can knead. The advantages of wrist kneading can be in line with the violin and international standards; the little finger can also be the main force, serving as the highest note of the phrase, reducing the distance of up and down movement, and reducing finger jumping (sound insulation and finger change), a song "I love you China", through The song doesn't even need to jump fingers. The amplitude and speed of the vibrato can be large or small, fast or slow, easy to control, and the accompaniment song and the sound waves emitted by people are easy to synchronize. In some erhu songs, the empty strings want to make sound waves, and it is very difficult to incite the palms of the palms, but now the fingertips can slide up and down slightly when encountering the empty strings, making sound waves like soft strings. Using the fingertips to slide up and down smoothly on the piano bar, the player's mood and emotional performance are also more easily interpreted in the smooth use of the fingertips.

In the twilight years, the erhu is still the original beauty in his heart

Erhu finger sleeves are a reform and a revolution—liberating the tiger's mouth, making full use of the little finger, and driving the four fingers together, becoming a powerful auxiliary tool for erhu players. Erhu fingertips that cost less than ten yuan are easy to operate, and both amateurs and professional performers will bring their performance to a higher level. Now the beginners who come to learn Erhu with Uncle Li, all put on erhu finger cots to practice. Erhu finger cots do not interfere with some specific erhu skills, how to pull and how to pull, for senior erhu lovers, they are not used to wearing them for the first time, but as long as they wear them for a day or two, they must be worn. After two days You can't live without it. For this, Uncle Li is full of confidence.

In the twilight years, the erhu is still the original beauty in his heart

When we said goodbye and left, there was a long piano sound behind us. The song-like years, 60 years from winter to spring, precipitated not only memories, but also the original beauty in my heart, which lasts forever. Under the camera, Uncle Li and his erhu are quiet and long, and with the warmth of April and mid-spring, the most beautiful scenery appears.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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