Inheriting the erhu sound of national music

109 views · Organized by 咖喱麦兜 on 2022-04-18

Zhou Long, who loves erhu playing and has been teaching erhu all the year round, was born into a disabled family in Dashanli, Anhua County. His father is good at erhu, Pingtan and other folk arts. With his eyes and ears, the 6-year-old Zhou Long can already feel the warm, desolate, or beautiful melody in the erhu string music, and he pestered his father to teach himself how to play the erhu. In order to encourage Zhou Long, his father spent more than 100 yuan to buy an erhu with the highest price tag from the county seat in the late 1980s. Since then, Zhou Long has received the most precious gift in his life. This erhu accompanied Zhou Long through elementary school and junior high school until Zhou Long was admitted to the Yiyang Normal School at that time.

The poverty of the family did not wipe out Zhou Long's delicate tentacles. In addition to studying and working, Erhu became Zhou Long's most loyal partner in his childhood. As long as he picks up the erhu, flicks his fingers over the silk strings of the horse's tail, and strokes the old snakeskin's violin barrel, the troubles of the young man will fly away. When he adjusted the timbre and played classic songs such as "Spring in the South of the Yangtze River" and "Erquan Reflecting the Moon", Zhou Long's thoughts flew along with the sound of the piano, and he was immersed in the world of music.

Inheriting the erhu sound of national music

Hard work pays off. Zhou Long continued to worship famous teachers in school and won the first prize in the art competition of the middle school. He graduated as a city "special student" and "excellent student" and became an excellent people's teacher. Later, he joined the city art troupe as an erhu soloist and continued to play Swimming in a sea of music.

In 2009, the Municipal University for the Elderly discovered Zhou Long, a star of folk music, and sincerely invited Zhou Long to teach the Erhu class. Retired veterans Zhang Dehui and Xia Yunxin became the students of Zhou Long's Erhu Class. Veteran cadres study very seriously, and their love for erhu is crazy. Every time they go to the children's house in Changsha, the erhu is an essential piece of luggage. Wherever the people go, the erhu will follow them. They also team up with a few old friends to give Zhou Long a pair of framed calligraphy. , Teaching art and passing down the scriptures, one bow and one finger, the total love", horizontally criticized as "Shuangxin of virtue and art".

Tao Fukang, a 92-year-old Volunteer Army veteran, made a special trip to give his teacher a pennant in military uniform a few years after leaving the Erhu Class to thank his teacher for his teaching. Zhou Long also lived up to expectations. In September 2019, he led more than 300 erhu students he taught to perform "My Motherland and Me" with an erhu flash mob in Xiufeng Park, presenting the 70th birthday of the motherland, winning people to take pictures and click Thumbs up.

Many parents knew Zhou Long's character and level very well, and they gave their children to Zhou Long with confidence. Many children are from elementary school, junior high school, all the way to high school. For more than ten years of teaching, the students brought out by Zhou Long have sprung up and thrived. Every year, several students receive good news about the college entrance examination. The children are admitted to ideal schools such as the Central Conservatory of Music and Hunan Normal University with their excellent erhu majors. Cao Shiyu, who has been studying erhu with Zhou Long, was admitted to Hunan Normal University with an erhu major, and in 2021, he was admitted to a postgraduate major in erhu.

A good family style is an asset. Zhou Long took over the fire of folk music from his father, and naturally he also wanted to pass it on from generation to generation. Under the influence of Zhou Long, his wife, who was originally engaged in financial work, also fell in love with the erhu while accompanying her son and daughter to practice erhu. My daughter is in the second grade of primary school at Yixintai Foreign Language School. In addition to her outstanding academic performance at a young age, her extracurricular specialties are also very rewarding. Erhu, piano and Latin dance are compulsory homework for herself every day. Among them, Latin dance performance is still in school. It is a must-have program for the cultural show, and will win the first prize in this age group when participating in the provincial competition in 2021. My son also started practicing erhu at the age of 6. In elementary school, he passed the national tenth grade, and also won the bronze medal and excellent performance award in the provincial erhu competition. What is even more surprising is that in 2021, he won the first prize in the "Three Independence" competitions in Heshan District and Yiyang City. Not easy honor.

Zhou Long enthusiastically dedicated his talents on the road of inheriting national music, and also gained a lot of touching in his life. When a family of four played the famous Erhu song "Horse Racing" at the same time, the beautiful scenery not only moved the audience, but also moved Zhou Long himself.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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