Lead the children into the music hall with 13 years of perseverance

70 views · Organized by 长乐 on 2022-03-01
The piano, erhu, and violin sounded one after another. Under the performance of six or seven children, the wonderful music made the onlookers intoxicated. This "Country Concert" held in an old farmhouse in Wanshou Village, Yanguan Town, Haining City filled the air of the whole village with an artistic atmosphere.
The person in charge of the concert is 86-year-old Zhang Weikang. After more than 10 years of public welfare teaching, many children have learned musical instruments.
Zhang Weikang has been fond of music since he was a child, but because of poor family conditions, he could not have a decent musical instrument. After graduating from primary school, Zhang Weikang entered a normal school in Pinghu to study music. In 1969, he returned to Fengshi Primary School in Yanguan Town, Haining City to teach music. "In 1957, the second year of work, I bought a violin at a thrift store for 28 yuan, which was my salary for more than a month." Zhang Weikang said. Later, he taught himself harmonica, dulcimer, organ and other musical instruments, and became a well-known "music master".

Lead the children into the music hall with 13 years of perseverance

In 1998, when Zhang Weikang retired, and the music teacher of the town school was unable to teach due to illness or other reasons, the school often invited him to substitute for the class.
In 2008, Zhang Weikang first began to teach a young granddaughter in the family how to pull the erhu. It didn't take long for the little granddaughter to be able to skillfully play difficult pieces such as "Good Night" and "Er Spring Reflecting the Moon". "My little granddaughter is playing erhu outside, and when others praise her for her good performance, she will proudly say that I taught her." In this way, Zhang Weikang's reputation has grown, and more and more parents have brought their children to find him.
In this way, Zhang Weikang's music class officially opened in 2009. Music classes are generally held on weekends. "Come here in the morning or in the afternoon, it's up to the children to decide, and generally teach for half a day." Zhang Weikang said, "It all depends on the interest of the children, and the force will lose its taste."
In order to let students go from behind the scenes to the stage, starting from 2021, on the 25th of every month, Zhang Weikang will hold a concert at home, inviting music lovers around him and his students to play together, and the students have benefited a lot from it. . The students in the music class are also very high-spirited, many of them have obtained the Erhu grade certificate, and some even obtained the 9th grade certificate.
"Everyone learns seriously. I will definitely keep teaching. This is also the responsibility of a retired teacher." Zhang Weikang said.
Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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