Lifetime for the name of folk music, Mr. Liu Tianhua's death 90th anniversary concert

252 views · Organized by 雨童 on 2022-06-09

In June 90 years ago, Liu Tianhua, a 37-year-old talented musician, an outstanding modern erhu performer in my country, a generation of folk music masters, and a genius musician passed away due to illness. His departure was like an abrupt end when the erhu music reached its most splendid point, leaving a permanent sadness and regret for the Chinese national music. The music and manuscripts he left in his hometown can always evoke the endless lovesickness of music lovers. Tonight, the Wuxi National Orchestra has selected 10 classic pieces and will stage an ingenious concert in the Great Hall of the People in Wuxi City. This commemorates Liu Tianhua.

Debut of multiple songs

Liu Tianhua is a monument in the field of erhu art over the past century. The 10 erhu songs he created have remained unchanged for a hundred years since their inception. "This concert is more like an elegant collection. While telling the story of Liu Tianhua, works from different periods will follow. The performances include solo, ensemble, ensemble, etc., which is like an immersive experience." Famous contemporary erhu performance Deng Jiandong will not only perform this time, but will also serve as a narrator, so that the audience can have a better understanding of Liu Tianhua's life while listening to the music.

Lifetime for the name of folk music, Mr. Liu Tianhua's death 90th anniversary concert

In addition to the innovation of the performance mode, the concert also selected many songs that are familiar to the audience, such as "Singing in the Sick", "Good Night" and "Bright Walk". There are also some pieces that were performed on the stage of Wuxi for the first time, such as "Variation of New Water Order". It is reported that this piece was compiled and created by Liu Tianhua based on the folk silk and bamboo "New Water Order", and was later compiled into a national orchestral piece by Liu Wenjin. Deng Jiandong said that this is also the only ensemble piece composed by Liu Tianhua.

Liu Tianhua's music practice has always been committed to revitalizing Chinese music and keeping pace with world music. "Moon Night" uses traditional Jiangnan local music materials, and draws on the playing technique of Western violin, so that the music combines dynamic and static, and the scene blends; "Song and Dance" is the first pipa created by Liu Tianhua in 1925 when he was inspired by an Italian opera performance. As for the erhu work "Candle Shadow Shaking Red", this Chinese-style waltz erhu waltz is the last erhu piece created by Liu Tianhua. These classic tunes will be performed one by one.

Precious manuscripts kept in home museum

On February 4, 1895, Liu Tianhua was born in a Jiangnan dwelling with pink walls and black tiles in Jiangyin City, Wuxi. This is a modest courtyard built in the late Qing Dynasty, and now it has become the former residence of Liu Tianhua and his brothers (the famous poet Liu Bannong and musician Liu Beimao). On June 8, 1932, Liu Tianhua unfortunately died of illness. Most of his relics were collected by his children, and a small part was collected by relatives and friends, including manuscripts, used objects, musical instruments, etc. After 1989, his children and relatives successively collected them. Donated to the hometown of Jiangyin and stored in the Jiangyin Museum.

Lifetime for the name of folk music, Mr. Liu Tianhua's death 90th anniversary concert

Among the many collections, the most precious are the manuscripts of Liu Tianhua's "Xing Guangming" and "Idle Life", which were donated by Liu Yuhe, Liu Tianhua's daughter, in 1989. The manuscript of "Guangming Xing" is written on one side with a brush, and is written vertically from right to left. "Liu Tianhua, 1931, Spring, Beiping" is signed under the title of the song "Guangming Xing" on the first page. Deng Jiandong told reporters that the erhu solo piece "Xing Guangming" was composed in the spring of 1931. "At that time, some foreigners didn't know much about Chinese music and thought that China only had Tang poetry and Song poetry and no music. Liu Tianhua created this piece on the basis of practice. In order to correct the prejudice of foreigners. In this piece, Liu Tianhua borrowed the marching style and modulation technique of Western music, and applied the violin's bow jumping, bow trembling and other playing techniques to this piece, but the whole tune style is still intact. It reflects the characteristics of Chinese folk music.”

"Idle Home" has always been the favorite of many erhu players. Wuxi erhu player Liu Xiao said that although this concert was not performed, this erhu solo uses overtones for the first time, with various tempo changes and a clear and beautiful melody. It reflects Liu Tianhua's interest in life at home during holidays, which makes people very happy. This piece also proves that Liu Tianhua had formed his own musical language and creative style at that time. A hundred years ago, the erhu generally only existed in the folk street corners and alleys, and it was a pure folk musical instrument. But because of Liu Tianhua, the erhu has not only entered the elegant hall of music, but has also become the quintessence of traditional Chinese national musical instruments. Deng Jiandong emphasized that "keeping integrity and innovation" has always been the music method that Liu Tianhua insists on. He hopes that Wuxi's folk music can also contribute to the building of a new era of national music brands with advanced concepts and superb standards.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving the artist

Liu Tianhua is from Xiheng Street, Chengjiang Town, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province. China's outstanding national musical instrument composer, performer, music educator. The master of modern Chinese folk music and the originator of the erhu.
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Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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