Listening to the erhu, listening to the mood

119 views · Organized by 一口泡芙 on 2022-05-26

Some people say: Erhu is the music of beggars. And I was speechless. Should I sigh that Mr. A Bing's brilliance is too bright, or should I blame others for their blindness. However, I think the people who say this have probably never heard of "Gusu Chunxiao", "Blue Planet", "The First Erhu Rhapsody", "Understanding You", etc.

Life is like moving forward in a dark night, relying on the bright lights lit by others. Erhu is the lamplighter who led me to enlightenment. It condenses the tender, heroic, poignant, or ethereal feelings that swirl from the depths of the violin player's heart into a bright pearl that illuminates my esoteric spiritual house, making the mood return to tranquility and clarity. Listening to the erhu, listening to the mood.

Listening to the erhu, listening to the mood

Listening to the erhu is the most important thing in life, both for piano players and enthusiasts. For piano players, listening is the way to learn, and the music we hear is the exact coordinates of our learning reference; for lovers, the exciting notes surpass any language and can touch people’s hearts. Listening is enjoyment and practice.

How to listen to Erhu?

How to listen to Erhu? This is a mysterious and intriguing question, and I have been asked many times by erhu friends. It seems to be very simple, but it has some tricks in detail. Zhuangzi said, "If you don't listen with your ears, you listen with your heart; if you don't listen with your heart, you listen with your breath." Erhu, the simple structure of 1 bow and 2 strings, flows out endless emotions, and different emotions will have very different breaths, which may be deep, shallow, fast or slow. Therefore, for the listener, to comprehend the music with the heart, through the musical structure of the music, and through the subtle changes of the bow segment, bow speed and strength during the performance of the piano player, to capture the breath of the music, feel the bow hair and the piano The power and wisdom rushing out from the rubbing of the strings have entered the realm of ecstasy.

Listening to the erhu, listening to the mood

But for many of our piano friends, it is not easy to achieve. There are many reasons that affect listening, such as the cultivation of the piano player, the cultivation of the listener, and the earphone speakers used. Speaking of this, many piano friends may be a little surprised. The cultivation of the piano player and the cultivation of the listener are well understood, but what role can playback devices such as headphone speakers play in it?

I wonder how many of our piano friends use imported products, and how many support domestic products? It is true that imported goods have their unique advantages, but many piano friends may inadvertently ignore the fact that our national musical instruments such as erhu and guzheng are different from Western musical instruments, and our folk music is all pentatonic (do, re , mi, so, la). However, for foreign headphone speaker products, their tuning styles are all adjusted according to the heptatonic scale (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, si), which basically does not take into account the characteristics of Chinese folk music. Naturally, it is impossible to reproduce the "ancient rhyme" of our folk music. In addition, Chinese national musical instruments contain rich musical details. Since the sound principle and structure of headphones and speakers are very different, if you need to hear more details and higher quality, it is recommended to use suitable speakers (long-term use of headphones will also cause hearing loss. decline).

How to choose the right erhu speakers?

Personally suggest to follow three points: 1. The overtones should be sufficient; 2. The tone should be warmer; 3. The lines should not be too thin, and the sound should be loose and have a certain sound field.

One more thing to add, don't put too much faith in TV commercials. In the modern era of massive information, selling things has become both easy and difficult. The easy part is that as long as a lot of advertisements are put in, a lot of sales can be quickly smashed; the hard part is that if you don't put advertisements and promote sales by word of mouth, it is easy to be annihilated.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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