Looking at life from the erhu, different ideas and different paths

117 views · Organized by 向日葵 on 2022-05-26

Many people who love erhu regard erhu as their career, and some people only regard erhu as a hobby.

In fact, everyone's attitude towards erhu is also their attitude towards life. Different people have different ideas and different life paths.

Looking at life from the erhu, different ideas and different paths

The essence of the erhu

The essence of erhu is to express inner feelings and understanding of music, not to show off, so it doesn’t matter how fast, complex and exaggerated the movement skills are done, but to fit in with music, express music with technology, through tuning, Posture, fingering, breathing and other technical details to recuperate physical and mental attitudes, emotions, emotions and thoughts.

The essence of life is to focus on enjoying the course of life, not to show off to others, nor to compare with others, so there is no need to care too much, live your own life seriously and fully understand the true meaning of your life Just fine!

The principle of erhu

The basic principle of playing the erhu is to relax the body, adjust the breathing, the movements should be natural, and the limbs should not be stiff.

The principle of life is also to relax, be natural, do not expect, do not force, let everything take its course, do your best, obey the destiny, do not hesitate in the first half of your life, and do not regret it in the second half of your life.

Erhu style

The style of the erhu actually reflects the style of the individual, and the realm of the erhu reflects the realm of the individual. As a famous erhu master once said: "Personality is the character of the qin, and loyalty, treason, good and evil cannot be hidden in the sound quality."

The style of life varies from person to person, but the realm of life is similar. It cannot be said that mentality determines everything, but mentality does determine many factors. Therefore, the mentality is really important. As a person who loves Erhu, you must be positive and optimistic, and stick to it to the end. Your mindset reflects your quality of life.

The Realm of Erhu

The highest state of erhu is to follow the heart. It can contain complex and abundant emotional feelings in a small piece of music. Therefore, the performance should show the artistic conception of the repertoire. Failing to reach this level is because either the basic skills are not enough, or the understanding of music is not enough.

The highest state of life is to act spontaneously, and a simple life and a peaceful state of mind are the original state of life. Failing to reach this level is because either too much desire or insufficient understanding of life. When we practice erhu, it is never for the sake of overpowering the crowd, nor for self-appreciation. We hope to bring out happiness and self-confidence.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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