"One pavilion, one corridor and one ping" are all classrooms, and learning will not stop during the epidemic

59 views · Organized by 尘夕 on 2022-04-24

During the epidemic prevention and control period, Songyang University for the Elderly suspended offline teaching, and many elderly students did not stop at home. They made full use of the park's "one pavilion, one corridor and one ping" and other activity venues to learn and exercise and create a new learning environment.

Every Monday to Friday, after 7:00 in the morning, there will always be bursts of emotional and cadence readings in the corridor of the old site of the Xiping Cinema. Zhan Qiang, an elderly university student who must come every day, said that her husband and wife both love reading aloud. It is a compulsory course to read aloud in the park every morning. Through learning with everyone, find common interests and hobbies, and enhance mutual feelings. At the same time, it can also better feel the cultural charm of the art of recitation.

In the morning, some students of the erhu class and opera class came to the gate of Xiping Mountain Park, put on the air and put on the music score. The melodious erhu sound flowed along with the skillful fingering of the performers, and the sound of the piano accompanied the moving singing and expressiveness of the opera students. The gesture attracted many passers-by to stop and admire.

During the day, "Ah..." "One grape, two grapes..." "Slowly inhale and exhale slowly, smell the fragrance of flowers, inhale the lower back, focus and exhale slowly." This is Gao Yanlin, the leader of the vocal performance class, teaching Everyone trains the basics. The vocal music performance class is a boutique class of Songyang University for the Elderly. Students regularly go to the park lawn every week for basic vocal music training, as well as the tacit cooperation of various voice parts. Each student is required to express a positive and good desire to talk according to the content of the singing, such as limbs, eyes, face and other body language, with an aura, self-confidence but not conceit, in the wonderful music melody, looking for happiness and happiness!

In the evening, students of the dance class will wear red ribbons and dance in the open space with melodious music to soothe their mind and body. The dance brings the physical and mental health of the middle-aged and the elderly and adds luster to the life of the elderly.

In order to ensure that the epidemic prevention class can be learned correctly, the students and cadres have turned the whole into a small group.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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