Post-90s girls rely on live broadcast to realize the inheritance of erhu, and carry out the things they love and are good at to the end

227 views · Organized by 长乐 on 2022-06-01

As young audiences flock to the live broadcast room to listen to opera and enjoy Chinese music, live broadcast rewards are helping traditional art achieve a new inheritance. On Douyin, Xiong Xiwen, who shares erhu performances through short videos and live broadcasts, is one of them.

Xiong Xiwen, from Jiangxi Province, is the deputy head of the Chinese Orchestra in an academy. By sharing professional erhu performances through live broadcast, her Douyin account @浠wenlaerhu has attracted 639,000 followers and more than 2 million likes. In her spare time, she also teaches erhu to the elderly and children at the cultural center. Although the income is not high, but with the help of live broadcast rewards, the post-90s post-90s supported three jobs by herself, realizing the inheritance of erhu for all ages.

Post-90s girls rely on live broadcast to realize the inheritance of erhu, and carry out the things they love and are good at to the end

"Our performance was very successful. We practiced for this song for a long time, and there was nothing wrong with everyone on the day of the performance." Xiong Xiwen was still very proud of the erhu performance he led the senior class in community activities on May 1 last year. At that time, she led a total of 10 students in the senior class to practice for several months, and finally made a "gorgeous appearance" on the day of the event and successfully performed "Aobao Meeting".

In addition to the senior class, Xiong Xiwen also taught children's classes in the 6-12 age group at the Nanchang Cultural Center on weekends. "Children's control is relatively poor, and they tend to be noisy in class. They need to be very patient to teach movements over and over again." Every day, he travels to the college and the cultural center, and the income of these two jobs is not high. Xiong Xiwen said frankly that compared with other industries, it has not been easy to find employment in the folk music industry over the years.

In 2019, Xiong Xiwen accidentally came into contact with Douyin; during the epidemic in 2020, she began to try live broadcast. Now, every Sunday to Friday at 10 am, Xiong Xiwen will start the live broadcast regularly. In addition to erhu classics such as "Erquan Reflecting the Moon", she will also play red and old songs such as "Coral Ode" and "Daughter's Love". In the past two years, Xiong Xiwen has broadcast more than 360 times on Douyin, and has accumulated nearly 20 million views.

Post-90s girls rely on live broadcast to realize the inheritance of erhu, and carry out the things they love and are good at to the end

"How long does Erquan Yingyue need to practice to pull it?" "How should I practice the empty string sound? I always can't handle it well." "The new horse racing is the best of Douyin, no one." More and more, many people leave messages and ask questions in the live broadcast room. The reward income brought by the live broadcast has also exceeded the income of his own work. But Xiong Xiwen said that he never thought about giving up the school orchestra, the senior class and the children's class. On the contrary, the reward income from Douyin live broadcast gave her more confidence to continue her offline work.

With the savings of the past two years, Xiong Xiwen has the spare energy to develop a new career and start original music; at the same time, she cataloged the classic Erhu songs into teaching videos, set up a Douyin store, and sold all kinds of music. Erhu. It seems that she wants to carry out everything related to the erhu to the end. Because that's what she loves and is good at.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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