Practice the concept of cultivating erhu intonation from listening

152 views · Organized by 烟雨燕双飞 on 2022-05-25

There are many Hu friends who are self-taught erhu. They are not very good at their pitch. Without professional training, unless they are talented, their ability to distinguish pitch is limited. Sometimes a few tones are slightly out of tune. Can't even notice it. But the whole piece will sound very dissonant, and the aesthetics will be seriously lost.

Today, I want to talk about the musical training of erhu. Erhu training is the most basic training for the pursuit of musicality and intonation.

Practice the concept of cultivating erhu intonation from listening

In order to develop an accurate concept of erhu intonation for beginners, it is recommended that you first need to start practicing from listening. If you have the conditions, you can prepare an electronic organ. If the conditions are limited, you can also download tuning software, solfeggio software, etc. on your mobile phone. Listening practice software, piano simulation software, etc., for audiovisual training.

In this way, in the process of learning, a certain pitch concept will be formed, and then let them learn to set the pitch. In the usual practice, they should cultivate their hearing habit of pitch. The scale practice in the process of training the erhu intonation can not be ignored. effect. In training, we should use a keen sense of hearing to listen to the intonation or not. In the usual practice process, not only the sound position of the string must be accurate, but also the strength of the finger pressing the string has a great relationship. Secondly, it is necessary to cultivate students' keen sense of hearing, which must be mastered in the process of pitch correction in the future. Clear sense of hearing is the phenomenon of hearing inaccuracy in normal practice, so that it can be corrected in time and avoid wrong practice.

Therefore, in the training of erhu, we should not only learn the erhu, but also pay more attention to the cultivation of self-learning ability. Whether it is playing a small piece or giving a concert, we must cultivate their ability to infer other things, pay attention to the cultivation of their memory and observation ability. .

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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