"Quanhe Award" final instrumental music session: 37 performers play a feast of fingertip art

70 views · Organized by 向日葵 on 2022-06-21

The sound of the piano is long, and the music of the flute is flying. On June 19, the final instrumental music performance of the 5th "Quanhe Award" Jinan Outstanding Young Actors Competition was held at the Shandong Provincial Grand Theater.

37 performers from Jinan Song and Dance Theater, Jinan Lu Theater, Jinan Cultural Center, Jinan Peking Opera Theater, Jinan Laiwu Bangzi Art Inheritance and Protection Center (Laiwu Bangzi Theater), Jinan Quyi Troupe, and Jinan Cultural Centers of relevant districts and counties Gathered together and played an artistic feast on the fingertips.

Multi-instrumental performance
Play the Spring Rhyme Chapter

The melodious sound of the strings, the crisp and melodious dulcimer, the distant and simple elegance of the guzheng, the high-pitched and passionate pipa, and the elegant atmosphere of the piano... At the competition site, various musical instruments such as erhu, dulcimer, guzheng, sanxian, yueqin, piano, bassoon, and electric guitar gathered. In one session, 37 performers brought a double feast of sight and hearing.

It is understood that the contestants include both old acquaintances who have participated in the "Quanhe Award" competition for many times, and new faces who have participated for the first time, fully demonstrating the role of the "Quanhe Award" as a platform for young artistic talents.

Zhang Benlin from Jinan Song and Dance Theater is a second mother who has just returned to the stage. She played the music "Lu You and Tang Wan" with guzheng, and her sincere emotional expression resonated with the audience.

With the appearance of various types of instrumental music one by one, the performers entertained the audience with their wonderful performances. After on-site evaluation, scoring and on-site supervision by an expert jury group composed of 7 senior artists from provincial and municipal creative and performance units and universities in Jilin Province.

In the end, Tian Qianqian from Jinan Song and Dance Theater won the first prize in the instrumental music competition with dulcimer solo "Lin Chong Night Run". Cao Jian and Dong Ruiying from Jinan Lv Theater won the first prize in the instrumental music competition with their suona solo "Nightwest Thoughts" and dulcimer solo "Wuxia Boat" respectively. Song" won the second and third place.

Build a communication platform
Show the style of the performers

Among the contestants in the instrumental music session, a number of performers from Jinan Song and Dance Theater performed various types of instrumental music performances, showing their extraordinary artistic style. "There are national musical instruments such as pipa, zhongruan and dulcimer, as well as electroacoustic percussion, jazz drums, and guitars." said Liu Lizhuang, vice president of Jinan Song and Dance Theater. There are many classic works with a certain degree of difficulty in the entries, as well as some Original compositions by the players.

"I have seen the live performance of some participating performers before. Judging from the live performance of the instrumental music session, they have improved their professional level, and their understanding and performance of music, including basic skills, have been improved significantly." The expert judge, Gao Dingzhu, the former director of Shandong Cultural Center and a famous opera composer, has participated in the evaluation of the "Quanhe Award" for many times, and affirmed the performance of the young performers in the instrumental music session.

"For artistic creation and development, it is necessary to promote the business training of young people through competitions, exhibitions and other forms. Only by laying a solid foundation and continuously improving the level of business can we present wonderful literary and artistic works to the audience." In Gao Dingzhu's view, "Quan The holding of the "Holland Award" plays a very important role in promoting the career development of young performers and improving their professional level. "I hope the Quanhe Prize competition can continue to be held, and see batches of young people have wonderful performances on the stage."

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