"Silver-haired" college students who will study to the end

56 views · Organized by CT. on 2022-05-19

When it comes to Tian Julan, no one in Tongchuan University for the Elderly does not know it, and no one knows it. In the school leadership, she is a veteran student in the school, in the hearts of the staff, she is the studious sister Tian, and among the class students, she is the enthusiastic monitor Tian.

Tian Julan studied hard in the Erhu class.

Tian Julan, 69, is a retired teacher. When she just retired, she mainly cooked at home and brought her grandchildren. On weekends, she sang, sang and danced at the Senior Activity Center of the Mining Bureau. She lived a busy and fulfilling life every day. In 2016, the Municipal University for the Elderly was established and began to enroll students. Tian Julan informed about the two courses of cucurbit flute and dance with excitement; in 2019, she also enrolled in courses such as vocal music, guzheng, calligraphy, paper-cutting, and embroidery. Today, she has graduated from seven courses at the Municipal University for the Elderly. This year, in addition to the study of cucurbit flute, vocal music and poetry, she also enrolled in erhu, recitation, Henan Opera, national standard, Chinese medicine health care and other courses.

Although she is nearly seventy years old, her thirst for learning has never diminished, and she does not want to be eliminated from the times. She also cherishes the learning opportunities brought to her by the Municipal University for the Elderly. People often see Tian Julan walking into the school gate full of energy. She is full of gods, she said: "Whenever I walk into the gate of the University for the elderly, the joy is always beyond words. I love the University for the elderly. Whenever I sit in a classroom with bright windows and listen to the teachers' lectures, it seems that I have returned to the school days. My heart is full of vitality, I really enjoy the joy of learning, and I feel the joy.”

Tian Julan's attitude towards learning is also meticulous. Her attitude towards learning is to learn well, such as learning the guzheng. When she did not buy the guzheng, she made props to complete the content of each teacher's class, and went to the classroom dozens of minutes in advance to practice. Fear of not being able to keep up with class. When learning vocal music and cucurbit flute, the notation on the book was too small to be read clearly, so she copied a clear score by hand and provided it to the classmates.

During her schooling, she has been rated as a star student three times, and her calligraphy works have been selected for exhibitions in the city many times, and she has won an honorary certificate. She usually uses her spare time to copy ancient poems, famous works, lyrics, etc., and has written the entire "Thousand Characters", "Orchid Pavilion Preface", "Hundred Family Surnames", etc., and also copied nearly 300 song scores. She has twice participated in the women's handicraft competition organized by the city, exhibiting her paper cutting works.

It is reported that since the establishment of the Municipal University for the Elderly in 2016, Tian Julan has insisted on coming to the school to study, which has also witnessed the development of the Municipal University for the Elderly from the original 9 majors, 16 classes, and more than 400 students to the current 26 majors, 76 A class with more than 2,000 students. Tian Julan also said with emotion: "The school has done everything from facilities to teaching management, and has a detailed division of labor. It can be called a first-class school. Every teacher's teaching level is superb, teaching is meticulous, dedicated and patient. The University for the elderly is really for us. It provides a good platform for the elderly to learn knowledge, culture, skills and talents.”

It is reported that there are many elderly people like Tian Julan who insist on studying at the Municipal University for the Elderly, showing the unique style of "silver-haired" college students. With the expansion of the school scale and the improvement of teaching quality, the Municipal University for the Elderly has become an indispensable spiritual home, a happy paradise, a beautiful garden and a warm school for the elderly. The Municipal University for the Elderly will also continue to strive to provide better services for the city's retired cadres and other social elderly, so that more "silver-haired" college students can enter the campus, so that they can learn and enjoy their old age.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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