Strings on the Sea - He Zhanhao 2022 Erhu Works Concert

373 views · Organized by 雨童 on 2022-02-28


1. "Mochou Girl's Fantasia": He Zhanhao Performed by: Zhong Xiaotian
2. "Farewell is Difficult" Song: He Zhanhao Performed by: Tang Jun
3. "Love in a Troubled World" Song: He Zhanhao Played by: Zhu Yunqi
4. "Tears of Heroes": He Zhanhao Played by: Duan Aai
5. Excerpts from "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai": He Zhanhao, Chen Gang (arranged by He Zhanhao) Performer: Zhu Yunqi, Zhong Xiaotian, Tang Jun Classics Shi Si, Xu Xuehao Director: He Zhanhao Piano: Li Yuanqing

Strings on the Sea - He Zhanhao 2022 Erhu Works Concert

Track introduction

"Mochou Girl's Fantasia"
Folklore about the famous Nanjing scenic spot "Mochou Lake": Mochou was originally a beautiful girl in the palace of the Zhongshan King. Cheng loved Mochou's sparkling and bright eyes the most, so he plotted to imprison her and brutally gouged out her eyes; Mochou threw himself into the lake with hatred after being devastated physically and mentally, "Mochou Lake "Hence the name.
The song is divided into four sections
Vision: Adagio. As a girl, Mo Chou has a reverie and yearning for love.
restless; allegro. Xu Cheng's true feelings and Xu Men's pressure made Mo Chou panic, disturb, and suffer.
Acacia: Adagio. Mochou's weeping and lovesickness after being imprisoned;
Cast Lake: Loose, Presto, and Broad. The sad and angry scene of being injured and thrown into the lake. Mochou was relieved by death and left this poignant legend to future generations.
"Crazy World"
The content is based on the historical story of the Southern Song Dynasty: according to legend, the descendants of the national hero Yue Fei and the traitor Qin Fu were a patriotic couple. Due to the grudges of their parents and the provocation of traitorous officials, they were suspicious of each other on the road of patriotism and intertwined with love and hatred. The music does not focus on the narration of the plot, but depicts the heart of the characters through the transformation of the situation and the ups and downs of emotions. The allegro part is the voice of loyalty to serve the country and the enemy bravely kills the enemy; the adagio and adagio parts not only express the voice of a couple who are worried about the country and the people, but also reveal the deep love for each other: "What is the purpose of serving the country with heart and soul?" Sin? When will ambition be paid?”.
"Don't Be Difficult"
Li Shangyin, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, once wrote many love poems "Untitled", and the composer He Zhanhao once selected four lines from one of them to compose a song: "When we meet, it is difficult to say goodbye. , the wax torch turns into ashes and tears begin to dry." And the three words "parting is also difficult" in the poem are used as the title of the song. Because of its beautiful melody and sincere affection, it is popular all over the country. However, due to the limitations of the genre of the song, He Zhanhao felt that his thoughts were not exhausted. In order to fully express the artistic conception of the poem, it was born on the basis of the song and developed into a large-scale erhu concerto. The various themes derived from the songs in the music meticulously depict the various inner feelings of a lover's parting that are difficult to express in words.
"Hero's Tears", also known as "Butterfly Loves Flowers"
"I lost my arrogance, Yang Jun lost the willow, and the willow rose lightly and rose to the top of the sky." Mao Zedong's poem "Butterfly Loves Flowers" not only expressed his grief for his wife who died under the enemy's butcher's knife, but also deeply touched the hearts of every Chinese. Heart. Twenty years later, another relative of Mao Zedong, his beloved son, died in the battle to defend the motherland, and he once again suffered great grief. The first theme of the music expresses Mao Zedong's grief for losing his son. The second theme and its variations and development show the scenes of heroic sons and daughters embarking on a journey to fight and sacrifice heroically against the enemy. Another loyal soul flew to the clouds in the nine heavens, and the music showed the artistic conception of "thousands of miles in the sky and dancing for the loyal soul". The sacrifices of many heroes and sons and daughters in the past have brought back the revitalization of China today.
"Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai"
Adapted from a well-known folk tale, based on tunes from Yue Opera. "Liang Zhu" describes the sincere love between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, and angrily accuses and flogs the feudal ethics, reflecting the people's anti-feudal thoughts and feelings and their deep sympathy for this love tragedy. The work selects three main plots from the story, "the grass bridge sworn", "the Yingtai resists the marriage" and "the butterfly in front of the grave", which shows dramatic contradictions and conflicts, and absorbs the rich expression techniques in Chinese opera to make it It has both symphony and national characteristics. The version performed this time is an excerpt from the Erhu Concerto version adapted by Mr. He Zhanhao.
Reference materials and contributors
2022, 弦动海上——何占豪二胡作品音乐会

Involving the artist

A second-year full-time master student at Shanghai Conservatory of Music, under the tutelage of Professor Huo Yonggang. Winner of the 12th China Music Golden Bell Award; principal of the "Wings of Strings" bow and string orchestra. In addition to huqin, he is also good at dulcimer, pipa and cello.
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Duan Aiai, female, erhu player, erhu chief of Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, director of Erhu Society of China Musicians Association, vice chairman of Erhu Professional Committee of Shanghai Musicians Association, visiting teacher of Shanghai Conservatory of Music.
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He is currently a first-year graduate student at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, under the tutelage of Professor Wang Yongde and Professor Chen Chunyuan. He has won the finalist award of the "12th China Music Golden Bell Award" and the highest award of the 7th National Youth National Musical Instrument Education and Teaching Achievement Exhibition (Wenhua Award).
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He Zhanhao is an outstanding Chinese musician and a world-renowned composer. He is currently a professor at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, China, and vice-chairman of the China Shanghai Musicians Association.
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Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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