Suona ingenuity inherits a century of intangible cultural heritage

447 views · Organized by 钟离 on 2022-07-01

"All kinds of musical instruments, Suona is king"

The art of suona in Danling County, Sichuan Province has a long history and is unique. After years of digging, sorting and improvement by cultural artists, they have participated in more than ten national, provincial and municipal art festivals and large-scale economic and trade activities. They are famous in Bashu and well-known throughout the country. They have been named "Hometown of Chinese Folk Suona Art" by the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China ".

Danling suona is one of the southern branches of Chinese folk suona, with melodious melody and lively rhythm.

According to research, the Danling suona originated in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, and by the end of the Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, the suona was widely used in Danling folk. When performing on festivals and ceremonial occasions, dozens of hundreds or even thousands of suona players are often used to play collectively, with large gongs, large cymbals, Zhentian drums and many other percussion instruments, or group performances, or parade in formation, the scene is magnificent. , the sound should be in all directions.

Suona ingenuity inherits a century of intangible cultural heritage

Speaking of Danling suona, we have to say that its current representative Yang Jiawen. Yang Jiawen, 57 years old this year, has been playing suona for more than 30 years. He is the fifth-generation inheritor of Danling folk suona, and the only representative inheritor of Danling folk suona, an intangible cultural heritage in Sichuan Province. highest level.

In 2006, Danling Suona was included in the first batch of intangible cultural heritage list in Sichuan Province. After more than 160 years of tortuous development, a large number of protection measures have created conditions for the "new life" of Danling Suona.

Suona ingenuity inherits a century of intangible cultural heritage

Reference materials and contributors
品味大雅 感受幸福|蜀写新篇·县在行动

Involving musical instruments

Suona (pinyin: suǒ nà) is a Chinese double-reed woodwind instrument. Also called Suannai, trumpet, advocacy. The traditional suona is composed of five parts: whistle, air card, intruder, rod and bowl.

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