Talking about the difficulty and ease of "middle-aged and elderly people learning erhu"!

241 views · Organized by vespa on 2022-05-26

As we all know, our country has entered an aging society, and the living conditions of the elderly have aroused widespread concern in the whole society, especially their spiritual life and cultural and recreational activities, which are the focus of attention. The problem lies in how we deal with and solve it, and what method to take to achieve the transformation that becomes difficult and easy.

Talking about the difficulty and ease of

1. The erhu seems to have a simple structure, but its operation is infinitely mysterious, especially it is difficult to master the intonation. Unlike other musical instruments, the erhu has no obvious pitch marks and grades, and no fingerboard.

2. It also requires considerable effort to actually play the erhu's unique pure, round, soft and beautiful sound quality and timbre. Beginners tend to pull out sharp, harsh, hoarse noises.

3. Learning erhu (including learning other musical instruments) requires a certain basic knowledge of music theory. I don't understand music theory at all, and I can't read and read scores. It's impossible to play the erhu well.

4. Don't look at the middle-aged and elderly students who may not understand Erhu, but they have rich social experience, rich social and cultural background, and have read a lot of people. They are also more serious and critical when choosing teachers. Success.

5. It should be admitted that not all middle-aged and elderly people are suitable for learning erhu. People have different talents, and their spiritual performance is also multi-faceted, which should be different from person to person. Furthermore, students are required to ensure that they have enough time to practice, usually about two hours a day.

6. For middle-aged and elderly people to learn Erhu well, it is also very important to establish "three hearts". That is, determination, confidence, perseverance - I must make up my mind, I must learn the erhu well; if I have firm confidence, I will definitely be able to learn the erhu well; if I establish perseverance, I must persevere to the end, persevere, and never give up halfway.

7. The correct teaching method is also critical. According to the characteristics of the elderly, make appropriate teaching plans, goals and teaching methods. First of all, let the students understand that erhu cannot be rushed. The freezing of three feet in the ground is not a cold day. Learning erhu well is not a short-term task.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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