Tan Xiao, a contestant of "Hometown of Love Songs", won the Gold Award of the International Chinese Music Cup

202 views · Organized by F.JCLOVE on 2022-06-14

As the most representative national stringed instrument in my country, the erhu is not only a treasure of Chinese national music, but also a bridge for the world to understand our traditional culture. Recently, the 2022 International Chinese Music Cup Chinese National Instrumental Music Competition China Finals came to an end in Chengdu, Sichuan. Tan Xiao, a young contestant from the "Hometown of Love Songs", stood out with his erhu "Horse Racing", and finally won the gold medal in the Children's Group A of the International Chinese Music Cup China Finals.

Tan Xiao, a contestant of

Tan Xiao, was born in Kangding City, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in November 2012. The romantic charm of the city of love songs and the high mountains and rivers have shaped her calm atmosphere and eclectic artistic characteristics. Because her mother is a vocal music teacher at Sichuan Nationalities University, she has been influenced by good music since she was a child. She often follows her mother to "rubbing lessons" and listens to the brothers and sisters of the Music and Dance Academy to practice piano, play flute, and sing... She began to learn dance at the age of four , learning the drums at the age of five, the melodious music and cheerful drumbeats made her immersed in it.

Tan Xiao, a contestant of

When she was six years old, her parents took her to watch the concert of Sichuan University for Nationalities. At this concert, she saw Teacher Zhou Lian's erhu solo at a young age. The teacher's melodious music and wonderful performance made her Fascinated, from then on, follow the teacher Zhou Lian to learn. Zhou Lian, associate professor, double-qualified teacher, member of Sichuan Musicians Association, main research direction is erhu artistic performance and theoretical research, and is currently a full-time erhu teacher in the School of Music and Dance of Sichuan University for Nationalities. He has won the first prize in Hunan Province's First National Instrumental Music Ensemble Competition; the first prize in the Erhu Competition in Colleges and Universities in Hunan Province; the Gold Prize in the 64th World Cup Accordion Chamber Music Competition (playing the drum and erhu); Sichuan University for Nationalities "Excellent Educator" and "Excellent Educator" Party member"; instructing students to participate in various competitions and winning "Excellent Instructor" for many times. He has published more than 30 papers such as "Excellent timbre and unique style - Batang Xianzi's playing instrument "Tibetan Xianhu", "Research on the Inheritance and Development of National Musical Instruments in Kangba Area", and "Research on the Artistic Characteristics of Xianzi Song and Dance in Ganzi Tibetan Area". Presided over a total of 6 provincial and school-level projects, and participated in a number of research projects.

Tan Xiao, a contestant of

During her piano lessons, her mother asked her to practice for at least two hours a day. Whenever she had the opportunity to perform, her mother would take her to participate. She hoped that through more appearances and more performances, she would constantly test her learning achievements and improve her stage performance. Tan Xiao deeply understands that freezing three feet is not a day's cold. Many people envy the superb skills of Erhu masters and long for their talent, but ignore the huge efforts behind them. If talent is a kind of luck, the harder you work, the luckier you get! She herself very much agrees with the "10,000-hour rule", she said that as long as 10,000 hours of practice, anyone can change from ordinary to extraordinary and become an expert in this industry.

Hard work pays off! Tan Xiao and the piano accompanist, Wang Shengzhong, a student of Sichuan University for Nationalities, have been preparing for three months. In the final of the day, their performance of "Horse Racing" was deeply moved by its majestic momentum, warm atmosphere and unrestrained melody. The judges, whether it is a flamboyant racer or a galloping and neighing horse, were all performed vividly. The music unfolds in the neighing sound of the horses, the melody is rough and unrestrained, the crisp and elastic jumping bow from far to the near, the strong and weak vibrato, depicts the grand occasion of the horse racing, Tan Xiao's fast bow, jump bow, plucked strings, The use of vibrato techniques presents a lively and enthusiastic horse racing scene in front of us. In the end, they won the gold medal of children's group A with their skillful skills and excellent psychological quality.

It is reported that this little girl from the hometown of love songs is currently studying in the fourth grade of Guzan Primary School in Kangding City. . He once represented the school in the Kangding Primary and Secondary School English Oral Exhibition and Evaluation Competition and won the second prize; participated in the Kangding Primary and Secondary School Poetry Recitation Competition and won the first prize.

After the game, Tan Xiao said: Thanks to Teacher Zhou for his careful teaching, and thanks to my parents for cultivating me, I completed my performance, and I also listened carefully to other players' performances, and felt each player's different understanding of the work. Express, but also found their own shortcomings. Being able to win this award is an affirmation for my study of Erhu, and it is also a new starting point. The future road requires my continuous study and hard work, and I am always on the way!

The purpose of the International Chinese Music Cup is to carry forward the core values of socialism; to promote elegant music art and culture; to inherit the essence of Chinese music culture; Integrate development, inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture. The competition invites famous Chinese music masters from all over the world and instrumental music enthusiasts at home and abroad to join in, brainstorming and participating in the grand Chinese music event. The art and charm! It has become an authoritative, objective, fair and inclusive international music brand competition. The International Chinese Music Cup Chinese National Instrumental Music Competition hopes to use music as a medium to create unlimited possibilities for music, from empowering music dreams to inheriting national civilization. In the new era, we must not forget our original intention, keep our mission in mind, and work with all sectors of society to promote and inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, strengthen cultural confidence, let Chinese instrumental music make a beautiful Chinese voice, and let the world feel and understand China!

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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